Kombinasi Latihan Aerobik dan Asupan Kafein Untuk Menurunkan Body Mass Index dan Percent Body Fat Pada Wanita Overweight

Dian Listiarini(1), Said Junaidi(2), Hadi Setyo Subiyono(3),

(2) Universitas Negeri Semarang
(3) Universitas Negeri Semarang



ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi latiahan aerobic dan asupan kafein untuk menurunkkan Body Mass Index dan Percent Body Fat Pada Wanita Overweight. Penelitian eksperimental ini dilakukan pada 12 wanita usia 19-22  tahun. Desain penelitian Treatment by subject, perlakuan 1  Latihan Aerobik 14 kali sesi dan perlakuan 2 pemberian Kafein dan Latihan Aerobik 14 kali sesi. Subyek diukur BB, TB (BMI), PBF (skinfold callifer) sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Hasil penelitian terjadi penurunan BMI pada P2 lebih  tinggi daripada P1 (0,75+0,39; 0,44+0,23), hasil uji t-test menunjukan hasil perbedaan yang signifikan 0,041 (p<0,05). Penurunan PBF pada P2 lebih tinggi dibandingkan P1 (0,84±0,23; 0,42±0,30), uji t-test menunjukan hasil perbedaan yang signifikan 0,001 (p<0,05). Simpulan dan saran: efek latihan aerobik dan pemberian kafein dapat menurunkan body mass index dan percent body fat pada wanita overweight usia 19-22 tahun.


Kata kunci : BMI; kafein; latihan aerobik; overweight; PBF.



ABSTRACT Controlling body weight can be done with aerobic physical activity. Besides caffeine in the body's metabolism can also reduce body mass and percent fat, if both are combined can provide a more effective influence in reducing Body Mass Index and Percent Body Fat in Overweight of female. This experimental study was conducted on 12 women aged 19-22 years. Research design Treatment by subject, treatment 1; Aerobic exercise 14 sessions and treatment 2 Caffeine and Aerobic Exercise 14 sessions. Subjects measured BB, TB (BMI), PBF (skinfold callifer) before and after treatment. The results of the study showed a decrease in BMI in P2 higher than P1 (0.75 + 0.39; 0.44 + 0.23), the results of the t-test showed a significant difference of 0.041 (p <0.05). The decrease in PBF in P2 was higher than P1 (0.84 ± 0.23; 0.42 ± 0.30), the t-test showed a significant difference of 0.001 (p <0.05). Conclusion: the effect of the combination of aerobic exercise and caffeine intake is more effective in reducing body mass index and percent body fat in overweight of female.


Keywords: aerobic exercise; BMI; caffeine; overweight; PBF.


BMI; kafein; latihan aerobik; overweight; PBF.

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