The Relation of Anxiety and Blood Pressure at Competition U-19 Youth Futsal Athletes in Semarang City

Dyan Surya Firmansyah(1), Sri Sumartiningsih(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Semarang
(2) Universitas Negeri Semarang


Anxiety during competition is a problem that is often faced by athletes. The anxiety factor in competition greatly influences athlete performance because a high level of anxiety can have a negative impact on athlete performance. The athlete's focus will be disturbed, and his performance will not match what he learned during training. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between anxiety and blood pressure in the U-19 Semarang Youth Jatidiri athlete team. The research subjects were 14 futsal athletes under the age of 19 years. The study used a quantitative descriptive research type regarding the level of anxiety (anxiety) in facing a match in the futsal athlete of the U-19 Semarang Youth Jatidiri team. The data collection technique used was a closed questionnaire and a digital sphygmomanometer. The results of this study indicated that most of the U-19 Semarang youth athletes showed an increase in blood pressure in both systolic and diastolic by 35.8% and 42.8%, respectively. Based on the hypothesis testing conducted with the product-moment correlation test, it was concluded that the two variables (competition anxiety and blood pressure) were correlated with a strong relationship between the two variables. The study conclude  that anxiety had positive affects to blood pressure at competition in futsal athletes.


an aerobic exercise, physiology, psychology

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Department of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Gd. F1 Lt. 1 FIK-UNNES, Jalan Raya Sekaran Gunungpati Semarang Indonesia 50229, Telp/Fax: (024) 8508007


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