Immutability of Distributed Hash Model on Blockchain Node Storage

Untung Rahardja(1), Achmad Nizar Hidayanto(2), Ninda Lutfiani(3), Dyah Ayu Febiani(4), Qurotul Aini(5),

(1) University of Raharja
(2) University of Indonesia
(3) University of Raharja
(4) University of Raharja
(5) University of Raharja


Purpose: The blockchain system uses hash functions. Hash is used in the blockchain to mark each block of data. Hash function algorithms map a string that is usually hexadecimal of any size to a sequence of fixed-size bits. This journal will discuss the distributed hash model for immutable blockchain node storage. Methods: The methodology used in the preparation of this research is mind mapping and literature review, namely the collection of scientific journals, articles, and e-books. Result: Storage of nodes on the blockchain using a distributed hash model. The distributed hash model only stores a portion of the block data at each node, and the block data is taken as a resource. A hash connects each block with the previous on the blockchain, so the entire blockchain transaction cannot be changed or deleted. Novelty: For further research will expand the research topic regarding storage immutability on the blockchain so that it becomes more completed and detailed.


Blockchain, Immutability, Distributed Hash, Node Storage, Block Data

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Scientific Journal of Informatics (SJI)
p-ISSN 2407-7658 | e-ISSN 2460-0040
Published By Department of Computer Science Universitas Negeri Semarang
Email: [email protected]

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