The Analysis and Optimization of Business Processes for Students in Higher Education Based on Togaf 9.2

M. Khairul Anam(1), Torkis Nasution(2), Susi Erlinda(3), Lusiana Efrizoni(4), Susanti Susanti(5),

(1) STMIK Amik Riau
(2) STMIK Amik Riau
(3) STMIK Amik Riau
(4) STMIK Amik Riau
(5) STMIK Amik Riau


Purpose: The IT Blueprint is used as a guideline in achieving organizational goals, such as the built and development of information technology (IT) infrastructure. STMIK Amik Riau is one of the universities vision to become an excellent university in Sumatra by 2030. To achieve this vision, it is necessary to develop various units, one of which is the built and development of IT in student services. To build IT for student services, an enterprise architecture is needed so that the development is more focused. Study design: In this study, TOGAF became the framework used to design, plan, implement, and manage the company's organizational architecture. TOGAF has 8 phases, but this research takes 6 phases: Architecture Vision, Business Architecture, Information System Architectures, Technology Architecture, Opportunities and Solutions, and Migration Planning. Result: The results obtained in this study are the creation of IT blueprints for student business processes. There are several updates in each process, especially in the information system architecture, then in business processes and technology. There are also updates that need to be done. This study also provides several reasons for updating the Opportunity and Solutions. Other than that, this research guides to apply the updates based on priorities that must be applied to migration planning. Novelty: In the information system architecture, 18 applications become service systems for students. After analyzing it into 31 applications, they will later be used to support good services for students.


Higher Education; Enterprise Architecture; Togaf 9.2; Blueprint

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