Comparison of ARIMA and GRU Models for High-Frequency Time Series Forecasting.
(1) Department of Statistics, IPB University, Indonesia
(2) Department of Statistics, IPB University, Indonesia
(3) Department of Statistics, IPB University, Indonesia
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to assess the efficacy of ARIMA and GRU models in forecasting high-frequency stock price data, specifically minute-level stock data from HIMBARA banks. In time series analysis, time series data exhibit interesting interdependence among observations. Despite its popularity in time series forecasting, the ARIMA model has limitations in capturing complicated nonlinear patterns. Forecasting high-frequency data is becoming more popular as technology advances and more high-frequency data becomes available.
Methods: In this study, we compare the ARIMA and GRU models in forecasting minute-level stock prices of HIMBARA banks. The data used consists of 62,921 minute-level stock data points for each bank in the HIMBARA group, collected in the year 2022. The GRU model was chosen because it is capable of capturing complex nonlinear patterns in time series data. Each method's predicting performance is assessed using the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) statistic.
Results: In terms of forecasting accuracy, the GRU model outperforms the ARIMA model. The GRU model achieves a MAPE of 0.77% for BMRI stock, while the ARIMA model achieves a MAPE of 4.09%. The GRU model predicts a MAPE of 0.34% for BBRI stock, while the ARIMA model predicts a MAPE of 3.02%. For BBNI stock, the GRU model obtains a MAPE of 0.63%, while the ARIMA model achieves a MAPE of 1.52%. The GRU model achieves a MAPE of 0.58% for BBTN stock, while the ARIMA model achieves a MAPE of 6.2%.
Novelty: In terms of minute-level time series data modeling, research in Indonesia has been limited. This study adds a new perspective to the discussion by comparing two modeling approaches: the traditional ARIMA model and the sophisticated deep learning GRU model, both of which are applied to high-frequency data. Beyond the present scope, there are several promising future directions to pursue, such as anticipating intraday stock fluctuations. This unexplored zone not only contributes to the field of financial modeling but also has the ability to uncover intricate patterns in minute-level data, an area that has not been extensively studied in the Indonesian context.
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Scientific Journal of Informatics (SJI)
p-ISSN 2407-7658 | e-ISSN 2460-0040
Published By Department of Computer Science Universitas Negeri Semarang
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