A Comparative Study of Javanese Script Classification with GoogleNet, DenseNet, ResNet, VGG16 and VGG19
(1) Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Indonesia
(3) Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Indonesia
(4) Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Indonesia
(5) Faculty of Information Science and Technology, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
Purpose: Javanese script is a legacy of heritage or heritage in Indonesia originating from the island of Java needs to be preserved. Therefore, in this study, the classification and identification process of Javanese script letters will be carried out using the CNN method. The purpose of this research is to be able to build a model which can properly classify Javanese script, it can help in the process of recognizing letters in Javanese script easily.
Methods: In this study, the Javanese script classification process has been used the transfer learning process of Convolutional Neural Network, namely GoogleNet, DenseNet, ResNet, VGG16 and VGG19. The purpose of using transfer learning is to improve the sequential CNN model, processing can be better and optimal because it utilizes a previously trained model.
Result: The results obtained after testing in this study are using the transfer learning method, the GoogleNet model gets an accuracy of 88.75%, the DenseNet model gets an accuracy of 92%, the ResNet model gets an accuracy of 82.75%, the VGG16 model gets an accuracy of 99.25% and the VGG19 model gets an accuracy of 99.50%.
Novelty: In previous studies, it is still very rare to discuss the Javanese script classification process using the CNN transfer learning method and which method is the most optimal for performing the Javanese script classification process. In this study, it had been resulted find an effective method to be able to carry out the Javanese script classification process properly and optimally.
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