Smart System on Two-dimensional Shapes Recognition Application for Kindergarten Students

Teja Endra Eng Tju(1), Elizabeth Nurmiyati Tamatjita(2),

(1) Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Budi Luhur, Indonesia
(2) Department of Informatics, PTK - STMIK Widuri, Indonesia


Abstract. Kindergarten-aged children are going through an important period of cognitive development, such as the ability to think concretely, including recognizing simple geometric shapes such as circles, triangles, and squares. However, many children find it difficult to understand the basic concepts of two-dimensional shapes.

Purpose: It is necessary to develop prototype learning aids in the form of intelligent systems in two-dimensional shapes applications for kindergarten students, which utilize information technology and object visualization directly through cameras on smartphones. This is expected to increase children's learning motivation and help strengthen their understanding of two-dimensional shapes.

Methods: The research combines Waterfall and Agile methodologies, tailoring them to four stages: plan and discovery, analysis and design, application development, and testing. Testing gathers accuracy with 120 smartphone-collected data points for square, triangle, circle, and pentagon shapes. Also, usability testing based on learnability, efficiency, memorability, error handling, and satisfaction, was obtained from six kindergarten teacher questionnaires and quantitatively processed.

Results: The application achieves an accuracy rate of approximately 79%. Notably, accuracy decreases with fewer corners, mainly due to low resolution or lack of focus, resulting in simplified detected shapes. Regarding usability, it is evident that the application has received positive feedback from users, particularly kindergarten teachers, who have given it an average score of 78.83.

Novelty: Distinguished from previous research, the novelty of this study resides in its ability to capture objects through a camera, eliminating the need for predefined shapes within the application, and innovating by creating an educational tool aligned with the kindergarten curriculum to recognize two-dimensional shapes. The research contribution is the creation of an innovative learning tool for kindergarteners, merging smartphone technology with real-world objects to teach two-dimensional shapes, thus integrating technology into early childhood education effectively, which has urgency in efforts to improve the quality of learning.


Early childhood; Geometric objects; Artificial systems

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Scientific Journal of Informatics (SJI)
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Published By Department of Computer Science Universitas Negeri Semarang
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