Analysis Impact of Rapid Application Development Method on Development Cycle and User Satisfaction: A Case Study on Web-Based Registration Service

Imam Riadi(1), Anton Yudhana(2), Ade Elvina(3),

(1) Department of Information System, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(2) Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(3) Master Program of Informatics, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Purpose: This research was conducted to respond to obstacles and inefficiencies in the new student registration system at RA Plus Rabbani. Currently, the conventional method of using physical documents for registration is vulnerable to damage and data loss. Therefore, the proposed solution is implementing a website-based online registration system using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. This aims to simplify the process, increase accessibility for prospective students, and reduce the costs and time required.

Methods: This research commenced by identifying constraints within the conventional student registration system at RA Plus Rabbani through observations and interviews. The development, following the RAD methodology, involved testing with PHPUnit and Blackbox Testing to ensure the functionality of the system aligned with specifications. In addition, usability evaluation was conducted based on the ISO 9126 standard.

Result: The research results show that testing on MVC indicated a 100% success rate for each architectural feature. Referring to expectations with a “valid” conclusion on functionality using Blackbox testing, based on ISO 9126 percentage displayed, it is known that the criterion with the most significant value is the understandability characteristic with a value of 83%.

Novelty: This research makes a significant contribution by improving student registration services at RA Plus Rabbani through the implementation of various testing techniques, following the research flow offered by RAD. The study also provides substantial references for further research in web-based system development.


Education industry; Rapid application development; Registration service; Unit testing; Web

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