
Vemarts Dwi Arta Rosilyanarr


Abstrak: Penduduk Indonesia yang beriklim tropis rentan mengalami berbagai masalah kulit salah satunya adalah kulit kering. Seiring bertambahnya umur, produksi minyak di lapisan dalam stratum corneum semakin berkurang sehingga menimbulkan kelembaban kulit berkurang sejak usia 20 tahun dan mencapai puncaknya pada usia 50 tahun. Beras ketan hitam mengandung zat besi antioksidan yang sangat berguna untuk kulit karena membantu mengaktifkan vitamin, termasuk vitamin B1 yang dapat membantu dan menjaga kesehatan kulit. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengetahui validitas lulur beras ketan hitam dan madu berdasarkan uji sifat fisik organoleptik (warna, aroma dan tekstur), uji kesukaan , iritasi kulit dan uji kelembaban serta untuk mengetahui kelayakan lulur beras ketan hitam dan madu sebagai perawatan kulit tubuh. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan observasi. Validitas produk dan uji organoleptik menggunakan 3 panelis ahli. Uji kesukaan dan uji iritasi menggunakan 15 panelis agak terlatih.Dan uji kelembaban menggunakan 1 panelis ahli. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif presentase. Hasil validitas produk menunjukan bahwa keseluruhan produk dinyatakan valid dengan rata-rata nilai warna 100%, tekstur, aroma dan kemudahan pengaplikasian 68,75% dan dapat digunakan untuk penelitian. Hasil dari uji organoleptic dinyatakan layak dengan rata-rata 83,33% untuk uji kesukaan mendapat rata-rata total 87,08% yang termasuk kriteria sangat layak. Uji iritasi kulit mendapat skor presentase 100% yang dapat diketahui tidak adanya timbul iritasi pada kulit responden. Uji kelembaban pada tahap akhir tangan kanan mendapat skor  86,66%, tangan kiri 76,66%, kaki kanan 78,33%, dan kaki kiri mendapat 83,33 %. Kesimpulan validitas produk pada warna mendapat skor 100%, aroma 50%, tekstur 75% dan kemudahan pengaplikasian 75%. Uji organolptik produk lulur beras ketan hitam dan madu dinyatakan “layak” untuk digunakan. Penilaian tekstur mendapatkan nilai yang paling tinggi yaitu 91,67%. Uji kesukaan penilaian dari panelis agak terlatih kemudahan pengaplikasian mendapatkan total presentase tertinggi 96.67%, kemudian warna 93.33%, aroma 90%,dan tekstur 68.33% mendapatkan total presentase rendah. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian bahwa produk lulur dinyatakan valid dan layak digunakan. Saran untuk ahli praktisi kecantikan untuk lebih kreatif dan inovatif dalam memanfaatkan bahan sekitar.

Kata Kunci: Beras Ketan Hitam, Lulur, Kulit

Abstract: The population of Indonesia, which has a tropical climate, is prone to various skin problems, one of which is dry skin. As we age, the production of oil in the inner layer of the stratum corneum decreases, causing skin moisture to decrease since the age of 20 years and reaches its peak at the age of 50 years. Black glutinous rice contains antioxidant iron which is very useful for the skin because it helps activate vitamins, including vitamin B1 which can help and maintain healthy skin. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of the black glutinous rice scrub and honey based on the organoleptic physical properties test (color, aroma and texture), preference test, skin irritation and moisture test and to determine the feasibility of black glutinous rice scrub and honey as body skin care. Methods of data collection using the method of documentation and observation. Product validity and organoleptic test using 3 expert panelists. The preference test and irritation test used 15 moderately trained panelists. And the humidity test used 1 expert panelist. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive percentage. The results of product validity show that the whole product is declared valid with an average value of 100% color, texture, aroma and ease of application of 68.75% and can be used for research. The results of the organoleptic test were declared feasible with an average of 83.33% for the preference test, the total average was 87.08% which included the very feasible criteria. The skin irritation test got a percentage score of 100% which can be seen from the absence of irritation on the respondent's skin. The moisture test in the final stage of the right hand got a score of 86.66%, left hand 76.66%, right foot 78.33%, and left foot got 83.33%. The conclusion of the product validity is that the color score is 100%, the aroma is 50%, the texture is 75% and the ease of application is 75%. The organolptic test of the black glutinous rice scrub product and honey was declared "appropriate" for use. Texture assessment gets the highest score, which is 91.67%. The preference test of the panelists who were somewhat trained in ease of application got the highest total percentage of 96.67%, then color 93.33%, aroma 90%, and texture 68.33% got the lowest total percentage. The conclusion from the research results that the scrub product is declared valid and feasible to use. Suggestions for beauty practitioners to be more creative and innovative in utilizing surrounding materials.

Keywords: Black Glutinous Rice, Scrub, Skin
