
BKB is a media service that has different types of activities, namely extension and playing with tools Eduaktif
Games. This effort aims to increase knowledge and awareness of mothers and other family members about the
importance of the process of growth and development of infants and to improve the skills of mothers and other
family members in obtaining the optimal development of the child, including mental stimulus using
educational games.
The purpose of this study was to determine the model parenting BKB Melati 3 in the Village District Nguken
Padangan Bojonegoro, to determine the extent of the application of the parenting BKB Melati 3 on peasant
family in the village district Nguken Padangan Bojonegoro.
The approach used in this study is descriptive qualitative, using interviews and observations as well as
documentation of the image field. Subjects used for research investigators totaled nine parents and 9 children.
The results of this study are parenting counseling BKB from the aspects of child development child development
late because if the parents did wrong in parenting. By looking at the child development BKB cadres can take
action to explain the correct way of parenting by looking at the child's development. Parents are not parenting
practice with maximum economic reasons families so that children are nurtured and trained rare for
development. Many parents assume that children will grow by it self because it has been trained in the BKB
without having
be trained at home.
Conclusions from the study the researchers did was care Nguken peasant family in the village can not do as
much as possible because of busy work and more parents use the permissive parenting. BKB better parenting
practices lead to the development of children because of the knowledge of child development then can be well
cared for by the child's parents or not. The authors suggested that the - those involved in caregiving to establish
good communication between parents and volunteers BKB.