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Keywords: Transformaton, Visualization, Picture, Naration, Verbal text


Teks verbal merupakan sebuah ungkapan yang ditata melalui tulisan. Memvisualisasikan teks verbal berarti melakukan perubahan dari teks menjadi gambar dengan prinsip substansi sama atau tidak berubah. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah agar anak dapat mengungkapkan tema dalam bentuk teks yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk gambar. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian di SD Negeri 2 Banjarejo Grobogan. Subjek penelitian siswa kelas 6 yang berjumlah 30 anak. Sasaran penelitian tentang identifikasi teks, dan kemampuan visualisasi gambar. Data primer bersumber dari guru kelas 6 siswa dan kepala sekolah. Sumber data sekunder berupa dokumen-dokumen sekolah, foto kondisi fisik sekolah, foto proses pembelajaran menggambar, dan gambar. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi partisipan, wawancara, dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data melalui tiga tahap yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, sajian data, dan simpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik teks siswa lebih menceritakan diri sendiri dan menceritakan hal-hal yang positif. Karakteristik gambar siswa menunjukkan realisme awal, bertipe haptik, dan bersifat rebahan. Kemampuan visual anak lebih lancar, lebih orisinil, lebih bersifat naratif, dan lebih khas berdasarkan lingkungan sosial budaya. Berbagai objek-objek ungkapkan anak sangat menunjukkan lokalitas lingkungan sosial budaya, seperti visualisasi rumah yang menyerupai bentuk rumah “Joglo” dan “Blondoran”. Guru di sekolah dasar hendaknya dapat merancang metode menggambar sebagai pelengkap hasil penelitian ini, yaitu dengan siklus pengembangan tema dalam bentuk gambar yang dikembangkan dalam bentuk teks naratif.


Verbal text is an expression which is constructed through writing. Visualizing verbal text means that transforming text into picture with substantial principal which is changes or remains the same. The aim of the research is to encourage children to express a theme in the form of text then transform it into picture. The research approach is qualtitative. The locaton of the research is at SD Negero 2 Banjarego, Grobogan. The subject of the research is 30 6th grade students. The target of the research is to identify a text, and ability to visualize a picture. The primary data was taken from the teacher of 6th grade class, the students, and the headmaster. The secondary data were in form of documents such as schools’ documents, pictures about school’s physical condition, pictures of learning to draw process, and pictures. The techniques of data collection were observation of participants, interview, and documentation. The technique of data analysis was divided into three stages which are data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The result of the research is that it shows students’ text characteristic is more to tell stories about him and positive things. The characteristic of students’ picture shows early stage of realism, haptic, and laying down. The visual ability of the children becomes more smoothly, original, narrativem and exclusive to his sociocultural condition. Various objects of childrens’ expression can show his locality of his sociocultural condition such as visualisation of their houses which is more like “jogloe” and “Blondoran”. Teachers at elementary schools should design drawing methode which can complete the finding of this research, which is by developing theme cycle into drawing then into narrattive text.
