and Clinical Psychology2024-04-30T21:08:48+07:00Developmental and Clinical Psychology[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p><strong>Developmental and Clinical Psychology starting in 2024 migrates to better secure from various unwanted things, including journal hacking and so on. To submit, the author please visit the new website page of our journal at the link<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></strong></p> <p><strong><em>MIGRATION OFFICIAL STATEMENT <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HERE</a></em></strong></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Journal of Developmental and Clinical Psychology (DCP) is a peer-reviewed forum devoted to publishing manuscripts with basic and applied emphasis, including research, assessment and practice contributing to the advancement of Developmental and Clinical Psychology. The journal also welcomes systematic reviews and meta-analyses. </span>The journal publishes two (2) edition every year and has been accredited on the Grade (SINTA 5) by the Ministry of Research and Technology, Republic of Indonesia.</p> Does Personality Type Moderate Intimacy of Coach-Athlete with Stress Level?2023-12-21T14:31:21+07:00Novita Bektiningtyas[email protected]Anna Undarwati[email protected]<p>The decline in Indonesian sports performance is considered to be due to athletes' stress in game situations. Athletes who lack mental toughness are perceived as negative and threatening stressors in a game environment. The coach-athlete relationship and personality type are likely to influence stress levels. As a result, the purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between coach-athlete closeness and stress levels in terms of personality types. This study is quantitative, with the subject of 182 athletes from Central Java. Based on the regression test calculation result, the modified R2 value is 0.694, while the Pearson correlation calculation value is 0.620. As a result, it may be stated that personality type moderates the relationship between coach-athlete closeness and stress levels. The findings demonstrate a negative relationship between coach-athlete intimacy and stress levels. That is, if the coach-athlete relationship is more intimate, the stress levels will be lower; conversely if the coach-athlete relationship is less intimate, the stress levels will be greater.</p>2023-12-21T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Quantitative Study of Intimate Partner Violence Context: Is Self-Compassion Related to Sexual Esteem?2023-12-21T14:44:33+07:00Tazkia Nada Nabila[email protected]Chloe Dwi Nuariani Larue[email protected]<p>Intimate partner violence (IPV) is defined as physical, psychological, or sexual violence perpetrated by a partner. This conduct is harmful and has long-term negative consequences for people who encounter it, particularly psychological illnesses. This has an impact on judgment, self-satisfaction with sexuality, and sexual function. This can influence how people evaluate their relationships and sexuality, how individuals assess their worth in a sexual context, which is thought to be related to self-compassion in individuals. This study drew 227 participants, consisting of men and women aged 20 to 30 who have been or are now in a dating relationship for at least one year. Purposive sampling was used to collect the research sample. The Conflict Tactic Scale Revised-2 (CTS-2) measurement tool, the Multidimensional Sexual Self-Concept Questionnaire (MSSCQ) subscale sexual esteem, and the Self-Compassion Scale were utilized for data collection. The direction of the association between variables is positive, indicating that the higher the level of self-compassion ability, the higher the level of sexual-esteem capacity in persons, and vice versa.</p>2023-12-21T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Not Always Make You Angry: The Effect of Criticism and Sensitivity to Criticism Toward Anger2023-12-22T15:00:22+07:00Siti Jaro'ah[email protected]Sri Maryati Deliana[email protected]Nuke Martiarini[email protected]<p>Emotion is a psychological aspect that influences people's actions and behaviors. Anger is one of the negative emotions that can arise due to various factors, including criticism. Individuals have a different threshold for criticism called sensitivity to criticism. This study aims to examine the effect of giving criticism on one's anger and the impact of sensitivity to criticism to participants’ level of anger. This research used a mixed-method approach through experimental methods, interviews, and observations. The experiment research design used was a pre-test post-test control group design. The participants involved 15 undergraduates allocated into experimental group (8 participants) and control group (7 participants). The instruments used to measure anger was the adaptation of STAXI developed by Spielberger, and the sensitivity to criticism scale was used to measure sensitivity to criticism. The results showed no effect of giving criticism on increasing anger in the experimental group. In addition, Pearson correlation results between sensitivity to criticism and anger showed no impact of sensitivity to criticism on their anger. However, the interview noticed that participants experienced anxiety, anger, and fear. Instead of not feeling anger, the subject tried to hold back the feelings of anger and had similar experiences so that the criticism given had no effect. Similar to the interview result, we observed that participants showed multiple signs of anxiety such as fiddling their fingers and toes or showing a worried look.</p>2023-12-21T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Dissatisfaction in Overweight Adolescents: The Role of Self Compassion and Gender2024-04-30T21:08:48+07:00Brigitta Komala Meitasya[email protected]Sugiariyanti Sugiariyanti[email protected]<p>The body changes during adolescence, from puberty to adulthood. Late adolescents generally have completed physical development and grown to their full adult height. These changes make them pay great attention to their body. Females tend to regard a slender body shape as attractive, while males tend to perceive a more masculine muscular body shape as attractive. They might feel that their body is not as good as other people, especially adolescents who are overweight. Body dissatisfaction refers to holding negative thoughts or feelings about one’s body image. Those who are dissatisfied with their body will describe the difference between their subjective perception of their body and their ideal body image. Individuals’ attitude who are patient, kind, and understanding instead of judging themselves when facing shortcomings is known as self-compassion. The first purpose of this research was to find out the relationship between self-compassion with body dissatisfaction among overweight adolescents, and the second was how body dissatisfaction differs between males and females. The sample in this research used purposive sampling and obtained 103 late adolescent participants who had BMI > 23kg/m². Measuring tools used in this study were the Indonesian version of Self-Compassion Scale and the Body Shape Questionnaire-34. Based on the correlation test results obtained a negative relationship between self-compassion with body dissatisfaction. So if overweight adolescents’ self-compassion is getting higher, their body dissatisfaction becomes lower and vice versa. The difference test showed that females were more dissatisfied with their bodies than males. In general, the level of both self-compassion and the level of body dissatisfaction of participants were at medium category.</p>2023-12-21T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Descriptive Study on Perceived Sexual Control in Individuals Who Experience Dating Violence2024-04-30T20:55:26+07:00Natasya Putri Amalia[email protected]Pradipta Christy Pratiwi[email protected]Fatma Kusuma Mahanani[email protected]<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Efforts to maintain sexual control over a partner occur in various cases of dating violence. This research examines perceived sexual control from the perspectives of internal sexual control, power-other sexual control, and chance-or-luck sexual control. Descriptive quantitative methods were used in this research. A total of 310 respondents filled out the questionnaire online. The questionnaires used are the Revised Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2) and MSSCQ, adapted from Snell et al. (1993), which are used to measure internal sexual control, power-other sexual control, and chance-or-luck sexual control. Respondents to this study were 310 people (women = 67%, men = 37%), aged 20–30, who had been or were currently in a relationship for at least one year. The selection of respondents used the purposive sampling method. Data analysis uses descriptive techniques. The research results show that perceived sexual control is generally in the high category. Then internal sexual control, power-other sexual control, and chance-or-luck sexual control are also in the high category.</span></p>2023-12-21T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##