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Desi Inayati
Erni Suharini
Sriyono Sriyono


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Kondisi tingkat pendidikan masyarakat di Desa Pecakaran, (2) Partisipasi penduduk dalam upaya pelestarian tanaman mangrove, (3) Hubungan tingkat pendidikan dengan partisipasi penduduk dalam upaya pelestarian tanaman mangrove.Populasi penelitian ini adalah masyarakat Desa Pecakaran yang berjumlah 1014 orang. Sampel yang digunakan sebesar 10% maka diperoleh 104 responden yang dipilih dengan metode stratified random sampling. Hasil penelitian tingkat pendidikan responden tergolong “rendah†dengan rerata pendidikan dasar 62,5% dilandasi dengan sebagian besar masyarakat dengan tingkat pendidikan lulus SD dan lulusan SMP dan partisipasi masyarakat tergolong “sangat rendah†yaitu dengan skor 88% terutama pada sub variabel memelihara tanaman mangrove dari kerusakan kurangnya peran partisipasi masyarakat. Terdapat hubungan antara tingkat pendidikan dengan partisipasi penduduk dalam upaya pelestarian tanaman mangrove ini ditandai hasil perhitungan tabel r product moment dengan taraf kesalahan ditetapkan 5% (taraf kepercayaan 95%) dan N=104, maka harga r tabel=0,195. Harga r hitung lebih besar dari r tabel sehingga Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima.Kesimpulannya ada hubungan positif dan nilai koefisien antara tingkat pendidikan dan partisipasi penduduk dalam upay pelestarian tanaman mangrove.

This study aims to determine (1) The condition of public education at the village level Pecakaran, (2) participation of the population in the preservation of mangrove plants, (3) Relationship with the education level of the population's participation in the preservation of mangrove plants. The study population was the village community Pecakaran totaling 1014 people. The sample used by 10% of the obtained 104 respondents selected by stratified random sampling method. Results of research education level of respondents classified as "low" with the average of 62.5% of basic education based on the majority of people with education level graduating from elementary school and junior high school graduates and community participation classified as "very low" at the score of 88%, primarily in sub-variables preserve mangroves lack of damage to the role of community participation. There is a relationship between level of education and participation of the population in the preservation of mangroves is marked on the calculation table r product moment with the specified error level of 5% (95% confidence level) and N = 104, then the price table r = 0.195. Prices r count larger than r table so Ho rejected and Ha accepted. In conclusion there is a positive relationship and the coefficient between level of education and participation of the population in Mason preservation of mangrove plants.

This study aims to determine (1) The condition of public education at the village level Pecakaran, (2) participation of the population in the preservation of mangrove plants, (3) Relationship with the education level of the population's participation in the preservation of mangrove plants. The study population was the village community Pecakaran totaling 1014 people. The sample used by 10% of the obtained 104 respondents selected by stratified random sampling method. Results of research education level of respondents classified as "low" with the average of 62.5% of basic education based on the majority of people with education level graduating from elementary school and junior high school graduates and community participation classified as "very low" at the score of 88%, primarily in sub-variables preserve mangroves lack of damage to the role of community participation. There is a relationship between level of education and participation of the population in the preservation of mangroves is marked on the calculation table r product moment with the specified error level of 5% (95% confidence level) and N = 104, then the price table r = 0.195. Prices r count larger than r table so Ho rejected and Ha accepted. In conclusion there is a positive relationship and the coefficient between level of education and participation of the population in Mason preservation of mangrove plants.

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