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Berdasarkanpelaksanaan modelpembelajaran kooperatif dalam mata pelajaran geografi memiliki nilai ketuntasan yang bervariasikhususnyapada model Make a Match nilaiketuntasanlebih rendah dibandingkan modelNumber Heads TogetherdanExample Non Example. Diindikasikan terdapat kendala dalam pelaksanaanmodel kooperatifpadamatapelajarangeografi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kendala yang dialami siswa dalam modelpembelajaran kooperatif pada matapelajarangeografi di MadrasahAliyah Negeri Batang. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Dalam pelaksanaan model kooperatifpada mata pelajaran Geografi di MadrasahAliyah Negeri Batang mempunyai kategori yang cukup terkendala, ditinjau dari empat aspek karakteristik yaitu dalam kesiapanmateri meliputi pencarian dan pemanfaatan sumber belajar pada siswa belum maksimal,padaaspekpemahamankonsepyaitusiswatidakdapatmerumuskan danmendeskripsikanjawaban, selanjutnya dalam memadukan konsep siswa hanya mampu mengenali, mengelompokan dan menghubungkan fakta berdasarkan satu buku sajakemudianpada saat mengkontraskan dan mengevaluasi konsepbarurata-rata siswa masih kesulitan, pada tahap pengembangankonsep siswa menjelaskan konsep baru dengan bahasa yang kurang bisa dipahami, siswa tidak mampu dalam mengemukakan ide (pasif).Diajukan saran agar siswa sering dilatih membaca berbagai referensi sumber belajarsepertijurnalmaupunreferensilainnyadari internet.
The implementation of cooperative learning model in the geography subject has a variety of minimum standard mastery that is Make a Match model has lower minimum standard mastery than Number Heads Together and Example Non-Example model. It was indicated that there are constraints in the implementation of the cooperative learning model in geography subject. This study aims to determine the constraints experienced by the students in cooperative learning model in the geography subject at State Islamic Senior High School Batang. This study is designed in quantitative descriptive approach. In the implementation of cooperative model in geography subjects at State Islamic Senior High School Batang has this quite constrained categories, first, in terms of the four aspects characteristics, namely in the preparation of material including the search and use of learning resources for students has not yet maximized, second, in the aspect of understanding the concept that students are not able to define and describe the answer , then in combining the concepts students were only able to identify , categorize and connect the facts based on one book, then when contrasting and evaluating the new concept of the average student is still struggling, at the stage of concept development of students explains new concepts with less understandable language , students are not capable of expressing ideas (passive). Submitted suggestions that the students are often trained to read various references of learning resources such as journals and other reference from the internet.