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Ekasari Prastia
Palupiningdyah Palupiningdyah


Minat membaca dapat mempengaruhi kualitas pencapaian hasil belajar siswa dalam bidang-bidang studi tertentu seperti halnya membaca. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini diketahui bahwa cukup rendahnya minat membaca di perpustakaan bagi siswa SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga. Hal ini dilihat dari jumlah pengunjung, peminjam buku dan daftar pembaca di perpustakaan SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adakah pengaruh peranan guru, fasilitas perpustakaan dan pelayanan pustakawan terhadap minat membaca di perpustakaan bagi siswa kelas XI SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Metode analisis data menggunakan regresi linear berganda, uji asumsi klasik, uji hipotesis dan analisis deskriptif. Uji keberartian persamaan regresi dilihat dari uji F hitung = 47,074 dengan probabilitas sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 sehingga diperoleh hasil analisis regresi linier berganda dengan persamaan Y= 10,165+ 0,533X1 + 0,079X2 + 0,053X3+ e. Besarnya pengaruh secara simultan antara pengaruh peranan guru, fasilitas perpustakaan, dan pelayanan pustakawan terhadap minat membaca sebesar 64.4%. Pengaruh secara parsial variabel peranan guru terhadap minat membaca yaitu 83%, fasilitas perpustakaan yaitu 80%, sedangkan pelayanan pustakawan yaitu 66%.

Interest as understood and used by people during this time may affect the quality of student achievement in specific areas of study as well as reading . The problem in this research note that the relatively low interest in reading in the library for students of SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga. It is seen from the number of visitors , the borrower's books and readers in the library list SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga. This study aims to know is there any influence of the role of teachers , library facilities and services librarians to interest in reading in the library for students of classes XI SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga .This study includes quantitative research. Methods of data collection using the questionnaire. Methods of data analysis using descriptive percentages and multiple linear regression .The significance of the test equation as calculated from the F test was 188.745 with probability was 0.000 < 0.05, while the results of multiple linear regression analysis with the equation Y = 10,165 + 0,533X1 + 0,079X2 + 0,053X3. The amount of influence simultaneously between the role of teacher, library facilities and services of the librarians in the library's reading interests SMK Negeri 1 Salatiga 64.4%. The simultaneous influence of the role of teacher was ar 83%, library facilitieswas ar 80% and librarian gives was 66% the student interest.

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How to Cite
Prastia, E., & Palupiningdyah, P. (2017). PENGARUH PERANAN GURU, FASILITAS PERPUSTAKAAN, DAN PELAYANAN PUSTAKAWAN TERHADAP MINAT MEMBACA DI PERPUSTAKAAN. Economic Education Analysis Journal, 5(2), 643. Retrieved from