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Kurnia Yuniani
kardoyo kardoyo


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk kegiatan penanaman jiwa entrepreneurship dalam kegiatan pembelajaran praktik produktif manufaktur di SMK PIKA Semarang. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Informan adalah Kepala Bengkel Pendidikan, guru produktif dan peserta didik. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Validitas dengan triangulasi sumber. Teknik analisis data dengan tahapan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa pelaksanaan penanaman karakter sebagai indikator jiwa entrepreneurship terlaksana dengan baik pada semua enam tahapan kerja, meski pun tidak semua karakter tertanam pada setiap tahapan. Pada tahap pengenalan alat, ada lima karakter yang paling menonjol yaitu karakter percaya diri, beorientasi pada tugas dan hasil, keberanian mengambil risiko, kepemimpinan, dan berorientasi pada masa depan. Pada tahap perencanaan kerja terjadi penanaman keberanian mengambil risiko, kepemimpinan, berorientasi pada masa depan, dan orisinalitas. Pada tahap pembahanan yang merupakan tahap praktik benda kerja pertama terjadi penanaman karakter percaya diri, beorientasi pada tugas dan hasil, dan originalitas.Pada tahap konstruksi terjadi penanaman beorientasi pada tugas dan hasil, dan orisinalitas. Pada tahap perakitan terjadi penanaman karakter menonjol yaitu beorientasi pada tugas dan hasil, kepemimpinan, dan orisinalitas. Pada tahap finishing terjadi penanaman karakter beorientasi pada tugas dan hasil, kepemimpinan, keberanian mengambil resiko.

The purposes of this study are to analyze the form of activities of entrepreneural spirit implementation in the productive manufacturing practice learning activities at SMK PIKA Semarang. The type of the study was a descriptive qualitative. The informants were the Head of Workshop Education, the productive teachers, and the students. Data collection techniques were observation, interview, and documentation. To validate the data, the study used source triangulation. The data analysis technique was done with the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of the data show that the implementation of entrepreneurial spirit performed well on all six stages of work, although not all of the characters were implemented well in every each stage.At the stage of tools introduction, there are implemention of confidence character, task and result activities oriented, dare to take risk character , and future oriented character. At the stage of work planning, there are implementation of confidence character, task and result activities oriented, dare to take risk character, leadership, future oriented character, and originality character.  At the stage of work unit sharping there are implementation of confidence character, task and result activities oriented, dare to take risk character, and leadership character.At the stage of construction there are implementation of confidence character, task and result activities oriented, dare to take risk character, and originality character. At the assembly stage, there are implementation of task and result activities oriented, leadership character, and originality character. And, at the finishing stage there are implementation of task and result activities oriented, dare to take risk character, and leadership character.

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How to Cite
Yuniani, K., & kardoyo, kardoyo. (2018). PENANAMAN JIWA ENTREPRENEURSHIP MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN PRAKTIK MANUFAKTUR FURNITUR. Economic Education Analysis Journal, 6(3), 807-820. Retrieved from