
Bullying telah dikenal sebagai masalah sosial, dimana ditemukan di kalangan anak-anak sekolah. Perilaku bullying pada siswa itu sendiri dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, antara lain faktor perilaku orang tua. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji secara empirik ada atau tidaknya hubungan antara perilaku over protective orang tua dengan bullying pada siswa SDN Bendan Ngisor Semarang. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 67 orang yang ditentukan menggunakan teknik total sampling (studi populasi). Skala bullying mempunyai 30 item valid dari item awal sejumlah 34 item, dengan rentang koefisien validitas sebesar 0,397 sampai 0,599 serta koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,873. Skala perilaku over protective orang tua mempunyai 23 item valid dari item awal sejumlah 30 item, dengan rentang koefisien validitas sebesar 0,391 sampai 0,617 serta koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,838. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan positif antara perilaku over protective orang tua dengan bullying pada siswa SDN Bendan Ngisor Semarang dengan nilai r sebesar 0,344 dengan taraf siginifikansi sebesar 5%. Hal tersebut berarti hipotesis diterima.


Bullying has been recognized as a social problem, which was found among school children. Bullying behavior in students themselves are influenced by many factors, such as parental behavioral. The purpose of this study was to test empirically whether there is any relationship between over protective behavior from parent with bullying at school SDN Bendan Ngisor Semarang. Subjects numbered 67 people were determined using total sampling technique (study population). The scale has 30 items bullying valid from the beginning item number 34 items, with a range of validity coefficients of 0.397 to 0.599 and the reliability coefficient of 0.873. Scale behavior over protective parents have 23 valid items from a number of initial items 30 items, with a range of validity coefficients of 0.391 to 0.617 and the reliability coefficient of 0.838. The results showed that the positive relationship between behavior over protective parents with bullying at school SDN Bendan Ngisor Semarang with r values ​​of 0.344 with siginifikansi level of 5%. This means that the hypothesis is accepted.