Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui minat mahasiswa terhadap busana muslimah pada mahasiswa Prodi PKK S1
Tata Busana Jurusan Teknologi Jasa dan Produksi Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Semarang (TJP FT UNNES)
Angkatan 2010. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode angket dan wawancara. Angket digunakan untuk
penelitian seteleh diuji menggunakan uji validitas dan reabilitas. Penelitian ini digolongkan penelitian deskriptif dengan
metode analisis data distribusi frekuensi (mean, kriteria, frekuensi dan persentase). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
mahasiswa Program Studi PKK S1 Konsentrasi Tata Busana di Jurusan TJP, FT, UNNES angkatan 2010 sebagian besar
memakai busana muslimah saat di luar rumah. Selain mengikuti perintah agama, desain busana juga mempengaruhi gaya
berbusana mereka. Minat mahasiswa terhadap pemakain busana muslimah termasuk tinggi (82,95%) hal tersebut didukung
oleh perasaan senang sebesar 19,59%, ketertarikan sebesar 19,96%, pengetahuan sebesar 20,59%, perhatian sebesar 17,84%
dan pengaruh positif dengan persentase sebesar 22,02%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa minat
memakai busana muslimah pada mahasiswa Prodi PKK S1 Tata Busana Jurusan TJP FT UNNES angkatan 2010
dikategorikan tinggi dengan persentase sebesar 82,95%.
The purpose of this study was to determine the student's interest in Muslim fashion dressmaking Student Services and
Production Technology Department, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Semarang Force 2010. This research was a
descriptive study classified by the percentage of descriptive data analysis methods (mean, criteria, frequency and percentages).
Techniques of data collection using questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaire used for research seteleh tested using validity
and reliability. The results showed that students of PKK S1 dressmaking Concentration in the Department of TJP, FT,
UNNES forces 2010 most of the wear Muslim clothing when outside the home. In addition to following the orders of religion,
fashion design also affects their style of dress. Student interest in the Muslim fashion is high (80.15%) is reflected in the good
feelings of 19.59%, an interest of 19.96%, 20.59% for knowledge, attention was 17.84% and the percentage of positive influenc e
amounted to 22.02%. Based on the results of this study concluded that the interest of students towards the Moslem Student
Services Technology Department of Clothing Design and Production, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Semarang
force 2010 high categorized by percentage of 80.15%