Tingkat Pengetahuan Busana Melayu Riau dalam Upacara Pernikahan di Lingkungan Adat Riau


Nurul Farisah Zairina
Muh. Fakhrihun Na'am


Masyarakat Melayu Riau masih memakai dan menggunakan busana Melayu Riau dalam upacara pernikahan yang ada di lingkungan Adat Riau, yang mana seiring perkembangan dalam dunia fashion yang semakin pesat, akan tetapi masyarakat Melayu Riau masih memegang dan menerapkan adat istiadat, tradisi yang ada dalam lingkungan adat Riau. Penelitian ini untuk mengukur tingkat pengetahuan busana Melayu Riau dalam upacara pernikahan di lingkungan Adat Riau. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa asli Riau yang menempuh pendidikan di UNNES, UNDIP dan UIN Walisongo Semarang sejumlah 197 mahasiswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Random Sampling sebesar 66 responden mahasiswa. Variabel penelitian ini menggunakan variabel tunggal yaitu tingkat pengetahuan Busana Melayu Riau. Hasil analisis deskriptif persentase menunjukkan persentase tingkat pengetahuan 18% responden menyatakan termasuk dalam kriteria cukup. 82% responden menyatakan termasuk dalam kriteria kurang dan 0% atau tidak ada responden yang termasuk dalam kriteria baik. Secara rata-rata tingkat pengetahuan busana Melayu Riau diperoleh skor 44%, sehingga menunjukkan sebagian besar tingkat pengetahuan busana Melayu Riau dalam kriteria kurang. Saran, mengembangkan pelestarian Busana Melayu Riau dalam Upacara Pernikahan di Lingkungan Adat Riau sehingga generasi penerus semakin paham dan mengetahui kekayaan nasional dan warisan budaya sehingga tidak punah dan terus terjaga serta berkembang.


Author Biography

Muh. Fakhrihun Na'am

Riau Malay people still wear Riau Malay clothes in wedding ceremonies in Riau Traditional community, which is in line with with the development in the world of fashion that is increasing rapidly, but Riau Malay people still hold and implement custom, tradition in Riau Traditional Community. This research aimed to measure the level of the knowledge of Riau Malay clothes in  wedding ceremonies in Riau Traditional community. The population of this research were 197 Riau native students who were studying at UNNES, UNDIP, and UIN Walisongo. The sampling technique used was Random Sampling of 66 student respondents. The research variable used was single variable which was the level of knowledge of Riau Malay clothes.

Descriptive analysis of the percentage result showed that the percentage of knowledge level of 18% respondents were in moderate criteria. 82% of respondents stated that they were included in low criteria, while 0% or no respondents were in high criteria. On average, the level of knowledge of Riau Malay clothes obtained a score of 44%, thus indicated that most levels of knowledge of Riau Malay clothes were in low criteria. The suggestion that the writer gives is to develop the preservation of Riau Malay clothes in Wedding Ceremonies in Riau Traditional Community so that the future generations will understand more about the national wealth and culture heritage so that it will not become extinct and continues to be preserved and developed;


Keywords: The Level of Knowledge, Riau Malay Clothes