Penerapan Peraturan dan Prosedur K3 PT Delta Dunia Sandang Tekstil

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Muhammad Satria Adi Rachim
Anik Setyo Wahyuningsih
Bambang Wahyono


Kecelakaan kerja adalah suatu kejadian yang jelas tidak dikehendaki dan sering menimbulkan korban jiwa dalam suatu proses kerja industri. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis peraturan dan prosedur K3 dalam Penerapan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) sebagai upaya penurunan unsafe action pekerja di PT Delta Dunia Sandang Tekstil. Jenis penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, informan utama penelitian ini dari P2K3 dan pekerja PT Delta Dunia Sandang Tekstil. Informan triangulasinya adalah manajemen PT Delta Dunia Sandang Tekstil dengan menggunakan teknik snowball. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Penerapan Peraturan dan Prosedur K3 PT Delta Dunia Sandang Tekstil belum sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah No.50 tahun 2012 tentang peran manajemen dan pekerja sebagai pelaksana dalam penerapan standar operasional prosedur. Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) juga masih terdapat beberapa kendala dalam penyusunannya. Komponen komunikasi yang belum jelas dan konsisten, masih ada keterlibatan pekerja dan perlu adanya peningkatan komunikasi antar manajemen dengan pekerja. Dapat disimpulkan penerapan peraturan dan prosedur K3 dipengaruhi oleh komunikasi, komitmen top management, dan keterlibatan pekerja.

Kata kunci: Prosedur K3, SOP, Komitmen Manajemen

A work accident was an unwanted situation and often caused victims in industrial work process. The purpose of this research was to analyze K3 regulation and procedure in the application of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) as means to decrease worker’s unsafe action in PT Delta Dunia Sandang Tekstil. It was a qualitative research, the main informants of this research were the organization and the workers of PT Delta Dunia Sandang Tekstil. The triangulation informant was the management of PT Delta Dunia Sandang Tekstil using snowball technique. The results showed that the application of rules and procedures of K3 PT Delta Dunia Sandang Tekstil is not in accordance with government regulations No.50 in 2012 on the role of management and workers as in the application of standard operating procedure. Standard operating procedure is still there are several obstacles in the preparation of it.Unclear and inconsistent component of the communication, there was still worker involvement and the communication between the management and the workers should be increased. It could be concluded that in K3 regulation and procedural applications was influenced by the communication, top management commitment, and worker involvement.

Keywords: K3 Procedure, SOP, Management Commitment

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How to Cite
Rachim, M., Wahyuningsih, A., & Wahyono, B. (2017). Penerapan Peraturan dan Prosedur K3 PT Delta Dunia Sandang Tekstil. HIGEIA (Journal of Public Health Research and Development), 1(3), 55-64. Retrieved from