Praktik Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan pada Praktisi Rekam Medis di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Risiko pajanan petugas rekam medis terhadap paparan Covid-19 dapat terjadi karena praktisi rekam medis melakukan pengelolaan dokumen rekam medis, termasuk pada pasien Covid-19. Berdasarkan penelitian, prevalensi Covid-19 pada praktisi rekam medis adalah 15,3%. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi praktik penerapan protokol kesehatan pada praktisi rekam medis. Peneltian ini adalah penelitian cross sectional terhadap 124 praktisi rekam medis di Provinsi Jawa Tengah pada bulan Januari-Juni 2021. Hasil penelitian menurut jenis kelamin terbanyak adalah perempuan (65,3%), berusia 31 tahun (51,6%), pendidikan diploma (73,4%), bekerja di rumah sakit tipe C (58,9%), di bagian pendaftaran (33,9%), memiliki riwayat infeksi Covid-19 (15,3%) pada Desember 2020 (26,2%). Praktik terkait protokol kesehatan secara umum tergolong baik (83,1%), praktik terkait prosedur khusus di unit rekam medis tergolong baik (69,4%). Terdapat hubungan antara jenis kelamin dengan praktik penerapan protokol kesehatan secara umum (p value =0,034). Oleh karena itu, disarankan fasilitas kesehatan perlu memperhatikan pengendalian infeksi, riwayat kontak staf dan kepatuhan penggunaan APD.
The risk exposure of medical record practitioners to Covid-19 exposure occurs because the main task is to manage medical record documents. Based on research, the prevalence of Covid-19 in medical record practitioners is 15,3%. This research objectives to identify health protocols implementation practices among medical record practitioners. This is a cross-sectional study that observed 124 medical record practitioners in Central Java Province in January-June 2021. Most of them are female (65,3%), 31 years old (51,6%), diploma education (73,4%), work in type C hospital (58,9%), in the registration section (33,9%), have a history of Covid-19 infections (15,3%) in December 2020 (26,2%). Practices related to health protocols are generally classified as good (83,1%), practices related to special procedures in the medical record unit are classified as good (69,4%). There is an association between gender and the practice of implementing health protocols in general (p value = 0,034). Therefore, suggestion for health facilities need to pay attention to infection control, contact history, and compliance with the use of PPE.
Keyword: Health Protocol, Practices, Medical Records Practitioners