Potensi Serbuk Tanaman Akar Wangi (Polygala paniculata Linn.) sebagai Penolak Lalat Rumah (Musca domestica)

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Denai - Wahyuni



Upaya yang sering dilakukan mengendalikan lalat Musca domestica dengan inseksida kimia, namun menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap manusia, lingkungan dan organisme lain. Diupayakan memanfaatkan tanaman Polygala paniculata L sebagai penolak alami dalam pengendaliannya. Tujuan mengetahui pengaruh dan potensi serbuk tanaman P. paniculata L sebagai penolak alami dan takaran efektif terhadap lalat M. domestica. Menggunakan 6 ekor lalat setiap takaran 1 gr, 2 gr, 3 gr, 4 gr, kontrol (-) tanpa serbuk, kontrol (-) Top Killer, dilakukan empat kali pengulangan diamati setiap 10 menit selama 60 menit pengamatan. Hasil uji Normalitas Shapiro-wilk p= 0,61>0.05, sebaran data berdistribusi normal. Uji Homogenity of variance p= 0.564 > 0,05, varian data homogen, maka dilakukan uji ANOVA dengan nilai Sign 0.001. Terdapat pengaruh jumlah takaran tanaman P.paniculata L terhadap lalat yang menjauh dan berpotensi sebagai penolakan lalat M. domestica. Jumlah takaran 4 gr merupakan jumlah takaran paling efektif dan paling berpengaruh terhadap penolak lalat M. domestica. Disarankan menggunakan serbuk tanaman P. paniculata L dalam menolak lalat M. domestica.


Attempts that are often made to control the Musca domestica fly with chemical insecticides, however, harm humans, the environment, and other organisms. We attempted to utilize  P. paniculata L as a natural repellent in its control. This study aimed to determine the influential and potential of P. paniculata L powder as a natural repellent and effective dose. Using six flies at doses of 1 g, 2 g, 3 g, 4 g, control (-) without powder, and control (-) Top Killer, four repetitions were observed every 10 min for 60 min of observation. The results of the Shapiro-Wilk Normality test p = 0.61> 0.05, the data were normally distributed. Homogeneity of variance test p = 0.564 > 0.05; the variance of the data was homogeneous, and an ANOVA test was performed with a sign value of 0.001. There is an effect of the number of doses of P. paniculata L plants on flies that move away and has the potential to repel flies. A dose of 4 g was the most effective and influential dose for repelling M. domestica. It is recommended that P. paniculata L powder be used to repel   M. domestica flies.

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How to Cite
Wahyuni, D. (2024). Potensi Serbuk Tanaman Akar Wangi (Polygala paniculata Linn.) sebagai Penolak Lalat Rumah (Musca domestica). HIGEIA (Journal of Public Health Research and Development), 8(1), 124-132. Retrieved from https://journal.unnes.ac.id/sju/higeia/article/view/60525