Justice for Tajudin: Proposal of Legal Aid for the Poor Keadilan untuk Tajudin: Rancangan Bantuan Hukum bagi Masyarakat Miskin

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Dhimas Danu Wicaksana
Rizky Pratama Aristya Putra
Wisnu Wibawanto Dwi Putra
Mahendra Pratama Putra
Muhammad Agung Dimas Widtono


Tajudin has been in prison for 9 months. The police charged Tajudin with the Criminal Act of Trafficking in Persons with a threat of 15 years in prison. This is because the police consider Tajudin to be exploiting children, by employing a 14-year-old cepi and Dendi to help sell his wares. After going through a series of long processes, the files went to court. The prosecutors demanded that Tajudin was trafficking in persons and demanded 3 years in prison. Not only that, the prosecutor also asked Tajudin to pay a fine of Rp. 120 million.

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How to Cite
Wicaksana, D. D., Putra, R. P. A., Putra, W. W. D., Putra, M. P., & Widtono, M. A. D. (2022). Justice for Tajudin: Proposal of Legal Aid for the Poor. The Indonesian Journal of International Clinical Legal Education, 4(2), 199-220. https://doi.org/10.15294/ijicle.v4i2.61924
Research Brief and Project


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