Survei Pembinaan Prestasi Olahraga Panjat Tebing di Kabupaten Batang Tahun 2020
The Indonesian Rock Climbing Federation (FPTI) Batang Regency is one of the parent rock climbing sports organizations in Batang Regency which was founded in 2004. The achievements of the FPTI Batang Regency Administration have been good so far with many fostered athletes who have won in various competitions starting from the Regional level. , National and International both juniors and seniors. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the coaching of rock climbing sport achievement in Batang Regency in 2020. This type of research is qualitative with an ethnographic approach. Data collection techniques using interviews and observations. The subjects in this study were administrators, coaches, and athletes of the FPTI Batang Regency Office. Checking the validity of the data used data triangulation techniques. Data analysis activities include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study obtained information that the achievement development at FPTI Batang was already good. Pemassalan is carried out by means of direct and indirect interaction or through social media. The nurseries are carried out through a selection between clubs in Batang Regency. Human resources of Pengkab FPTI Batang are included in good criteria, trainers have National licenses, training programs at Pengkab FPTI Batang are in good criteria where the program is compiled periodically (training period), management has been running according to their respective duties and functions, facilities and infrastructure it's good enough but there are still flaws in the mattress. As well as funding obtained from koni and sponsors.