
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the implementation of the PJOK online learning model during the Covid-19 pandemic in elementary schools throughout the Taman District, Pemalang Regency. This study uses a quantitative descriptive research approach using a survey method. The data collection technique used total sampling. The sample and this research were all PJOK teachers in State Elementary Schools in the Taman District, Pemalang Regency, totaling 18 teachers. The instrument in this study was an online questionnaire using a google form containing 10 questions. The data analysis technique used quantitative descriptive analysis with percentage data. The results showed that during the Covid-19 pandemic 100% of teachers continued to provide PJOK learning, 55.6% of teachers used online learning methods, 22.2% of PJOK learning was in accordance with RPP and 77.8% according to RPP but not coherently, 100 % use the whatsapp group learning media, 50% of students are enthusiastic and participate well in learning, 100% of teachers work with parents of students so that the PJOK learning process continues, 22.2% of teachers say that in its implementation only part of learning is in accordance with lesson plans, assessment based on the collection of written assignments 33.3%, practice 16.7% and practical or written 50%, 77.8% of teachers said the assessment on online learning was not effective, 5.6% had obstacles, and 50% some were constrained some were not, in learning PJOK online is difficulty accessing the internet.