The Effect of Accounting Conservatism, Investment Opportunity Set, Leverage, and Company Size on Earnings Quality


Noor Yudawan Putra
Subowo Subowo


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konservatisme akuntansi, investment opportunity set, leverage, dan ukuran perusahaan terhadap kualitas laba. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan yang terdapat dalam industri sektor barang konsumsi pada tahun 2011-2014 yang terdiri dari 38 perusahaan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan berdasarkan metode purposive sampling dan diperoleh sebanyak 24 perusahaan. Data analisa yang digunakan adalah Regresi Linier Berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa konservatisme akuntansi dan ukuran perusahaan memiliki pengaruh dengan kualitas laba. Sedangkan investment opportunity set dan leverage tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap kualitas laba. Hasil penelitian secara simultan menunjukkan bahwa seluruh variabel independen berpengaruh terhadap kualitas laba. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah menambah variabel maupun indikator yang sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi obyek penelitian

This study aimed to analyze the effect of accounting conservatism, investment opportunity set, leverage, and the size of the company towards the quality of earnings. The population in this study is companies contained in the consumer goods industry in 2011 until 2014 which consists of 38 companies. The sampling technique was purposive sampling method which results for 24 companies. Data analysis used is Multiple Linear Regression. The analysis showed that
accounting conservatism and company size had influence with the quality of earnings. While the investment opportunity set and leverage did not have an influence on the quality of earnings. Simultaneous test showed that variables of accounting conservatism, investment opportunity set, leverage and company size are influence significantly with earning quality. The suggestion for further research is to add another variable and indicator for further research.


How to Cite
Putra, N., & Subowo, S. (2016). The Effect of Accounting Conservatism, Investment Opportunity Set, Leverage, and Company Size on Earnings Quality. Accounting Analysis Journal, 5(4), 299-306.