The Analysis of Well-being’s Level on Athletes with Special Needs

  • Fajar Hawari Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Agung Wahyudi Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Billy Castyana Universitas Negeri Semarang
Keywords: Adaptive Physical Eduation, Well-being, Athlete with Special Needs


This is qualitative research that uses a descriptive approach focuses on knowing the level of welfare of athletes with special needs in national training centers. Primary data was obtained by using interviews addressed to 20 athletes who were willing to be resource persons. Interviews were conducted based on the welfare level instrument used by the Central Bureau of Statistics of Indonesia with indicators in the form of income, expenses, living conditions, housing facilities, ease of obtaining health services, and ease of obtaining transportation facilities. In addition, researchers also took information in the form of monthly salary receipt data obtained by athletes as secondary data from this study. The data was then analyzed using the NVivo 12 Pro. The search results using the word cloud feature in the NVivo 12 Pro application program that comes from all research data, the sentence "has fulfilled" is a sentence that often appears as evidenced by the percentage of 57.53%. Based on the data analysis that has been done, it can be seen that the majority of athletes with special needs have a high level of welfare.


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