Model Peningkatan Kinerja Guru Berbasis Demonstrasi Mengajar di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Kabupaten Bima.

  • Firdaus Firdaus Pengawas SMA/SMK, UPT Layanan Dikmen dan PK-PLK Bima, Dinas Dikbud Prop. NTB, Indonesia
  • Rusdarti Rusdarti Universitas Negeri semarang
  • Tri Suminar Universitas Negeri semarang


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kondisi faktual pelaksanaan supervisi akademik yang dilaksanakan selama ini, menganalisis model peningkatan kinerja guru yang sesuai kebutuhan untuk meningkatkan kinerja guru, dan menganalisis keefektifan model peningkatan kinerja guru berbasis demonstrasi mengajar untuk meningkatkan kinerja guru dalam pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Research and Development, meliputi tiga tahapan yaitu studi pendahuluan, pengembangan model, dan evaluasi model. Pada studi pendahuluan teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara (guru, pengawas dan kepala sekolah) dan studi dokumentasi, tahap pengembangan melibatkan ahli dan praktis untuk menguji validitas model, dan tahap evaluasi dengan uji coba terbatas menggunakan one group pretest-postest design, kemudian data diuji dengan uji wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian bahwa pelaksanaan supervisi akademik selama ini belum belum berjalan secara optimal. Model peningkatan kinerja guru yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan guru adalah model peningkatan kinerja guru berbasis demonstrasi mengajar. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan keefektifan model peningkatan kinerja guru berbasis demonstrasi mengajar. Melalui uji Wilcoxon  didapatkan nilai Asymp.Sig. (2-Tailed) 0,018 yang lebih kecil dari 0,05 (p= 0,018<0,05) artinya Ha diterima (ada perbedaan antara rata-rata skor pretest dengan rata-rata posttest). Direkomendasikan agar model peningkatan kinerja guru berbasis demonstrasi mengajar ini dapat dilaksanakan oleh supervisor, sehingga akan dapat meningkatkan kinerja guru dalam pembelajaran.

___________________________________________________________________The purposes of this research were to describe the factual condition of the implementation of the academic supervision carried out so far, to analyze the model of teacher performance improvement as needed to improve teacher performance, and to analyze the effectiveness of teacher performance improvement model based on teaching demonstration to improve teacher performance in learning. The method used in this research was Research and Development. The study was conducted in three stages namely preliminary study, model development, and model evaluation. Preliminary study was data collection by interview and documentation study. The development stage involves experts and practitioners to validate models with document assessment. Evaluation stage by trial using one group pretest-posttest design, statistical test using Wilcoxon test was used to know the effectivenes of the model. The results showed that the implementation of academic supervision had not been run optimally. The performance improvement model that suit the needs of the vocational school teachers was teachers performance improvement model based on teaching demonstration. The results of model trials conducted by Wilcoxon test analysis showed that teachers performance improvement model based on teaching demonstrationeffective to improve the performance of vocational teachers in learning. It is suggested that this teacher performance improvement model based on teaching demonstration can be implemented by supervisors consistently by following the stages of the process from the beginning to the end, so that it will improve teacher performance in learning.

How to Cite
Firdaus, F., Rusdarti, R., & Suminar, T. (2018). Model Peningkatan Kinerja Guru Berbasis Demonstrasi Mengajar di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Kabupaten Bima. Educational Management, 6(2), 178-189. Retrieved from