Faktor Risiko Lingkungan Kejadian Kusta

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Siswanti Siswanti
Yuni Wijayanti



Jumlah penderita kusta di kota Semarang pada tahun 2017 sebanyak 68 dan di Puskesmas Bandarharjo sebanyak 33 kasus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor risiko lingkungan dengan kejadian kusta di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bandarharjo tahun 2018. Penelitian dilakukan pada Mei 2018. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan kasus-kontrol. Besar sampel masing-masing kelompok adalah 29 responden, diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data diolah menggunakan uji chi-square dan regresi logistik. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara ketinggian lantai (p-value= 0,008), kepadatan hunian kamar (p-value= 0,002), luas ventilasi (p-value= 0,015), kebiasaan membuka jendela (p-value= 0,032), jenis lantai (p-value= 0,007), jenis dinding (p-value= 0,004), riwayat kontak serumah (p-value= 0,002) dan status ekonomi (p-value= 0,002) dengan kejadian kusta. Ketinggian lantai, kepadatan hunian kamar kamar, luas ventilasi rumah, kebiasaan membuka jendela rumah, jenis lantai, jenis dinding, riwayat kontak serumah dan status ekonomi merupakan faktor risiko kejadian kusta di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bandarharjo.


The number of leprosy patients in the city of Semarang in 2017 was 68 cases and at Bandarharjo Health Center was 33 cases. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between environmental risk factors with the incidence of leprosy in Bandarharjo Health Center’s work area in 2018. The study was conducted in May 2018. This research was analytic observational with case-control approach. The samples of each case and control groups were 29 taken by purposive sampling. Data were processed using chi-square test and logistic regression. The result shows that there was correlation between floor height (p-value= 0,008), occupancy density (p-value= 0,002), ventilation area (p-value= 0,015), habit of opening window (p-value= 0,032), floor type (p-value= 0,007), type of wall (p-value= 0,004), household contact history (p-value= 0,002) and economic status (p-value= 0,002) with the incidence of leprosy. Floor height, occupancy density, ventilation area, habit of opening window, floor type, type of wall, household contact history and economic status were risk factors of leprosy in Bandarharjo Health Center’s work area.

 Keyword : Risk Factors, Environment, Incidence of leprosy

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How to Cite
Siswanti, S., & Wijayanti, Y. (2018). Faktor Risiko Lingkungan Kejadian Kusta. HIGEIA (Journal of Public Health Research and Development), 2(3), 352-362. https://doi.org/10.15294/higeia.v2i3.23619