

Kebutuhan bahan bakar minyak di Indonesia, khususnya premium semakin meningkat, sedangkan ketersediaannya di alam semakin sedikit. Oleh karena itu, perlu dicari alternatif bahan bakar yang dapat diperbaharui, seperti Etanol. Etanol dengan kadar >96,5% v/v dapat digunakan sebagai campuran bahan bakar. Etanol dengan kadar >96,5% dapat dicapai  dengan menggunakan metode distilasi adsorptif. Pada penelitian ini pemurnian etanol dilakukan menggukana dua cara yaitu distilasi sederhana dan distilasi adsorptif. Kadar awal sampel CIU A, CIU B dan CIU C berturut-turut adalah 9,92%, 44,60% dan 47,31% dengan menggunakan metode distilasi sederhana kadar etanol dapat meningkat menjadi 29,37%, 86,96% dan 90,81%. Meskipun metode distilasi sederhana dapat meningkatkan kadar etanol secara signifikan namun tidak dapat melampaui titik azeotropnya sehingga perlu adanya metode lain yaitu distilasi adsorptif dengan adsorben zeolit alam yang sudah teraktivasi. Dengan menggunakan metode distilasi adsorptif diperoleh kadar etanol tertinggi CIU A, CIU B dan CIU C berturut-turut sebesar 33,20%, 98,28% dan 99,22%. Kadar etanol tertinggi diperoleh saat pengambilan distilat ke-3 yaitu pada waktu 45 menit distilasi.


The need for fuel oil in Indonesia, especially premium, is increasing, while its availability in nature is getting smaller. Therefore, it is necessary to look for alternative renewable fuels, such as Ethanol. Ethanol with a level of> 96.5% v / v can be used as a mixture of fuel. Ethanol with a concentration of> 96.5% can be achieved using the adsorptive distillation method. In this study, ethanol purification was carried out using two methods, simple distillation and adsorptive distillation. Initial levels of CIU A, CIU B and CIU C samples were 9.92%, 44.60% and 47.31% respectively using a simple distillation method. Ethanol levels could increase to 29.37%, 86.96% and 98.81%. Although a simple distillation method can significantly increase ethanol levels but cannot exceed its azeotropic point, it is necessary to have another method, namely adsorptive distillation with activated zeolite natural adsorbent. By using the adsorptive distillation method, the highest ethanol levels of CIU A, CIU B and CIU C were 33.20%, 98.28% and 99.22% respectively. The highest ethanol content was obtained when the third distillate was taken at 45 minutes distillation.