
Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui keefektifan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe make a match dibandingkan dengan konvensional pada pembelajaran Matematika. Dengan menggunakan propotionate stratified random sampling, dari populasi sebanyak 75 siswa diperoleh sampel 63 siswa yang terdiri dari 33 SD Negeri Randugunting 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan 30 siswa SD Negeri Randugunting 1 sebagai kelas kontrol. Setelah kedua kelompok eksperimen diberikan model pembelajaran yang berbeda, mereka diberikan tes akhir pada materi Bangun Datar dan diperoleh rata-rata nilai hasil belajar kelas eksperimen sebesar 81,27, sedangkan kelas kontrol hanya 73,73. Hasil penghitungan dengan menggunakan rumus independent samples t test melalui program SPSS versi 20, menunjukkan model kooperatif tipe make a match efektif dan signifikan terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Hal ini ditandai dengan nilai hasil thitung > ttabel (2,153 > 2,000). Dari hasil penelitian, diharapkan guru dapat menerapkan pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatiftipe make a match. Siswa sebaiknya lebih menggali pengetahuan dan aktif berkomunikasi dengan temannya.

The research purposed to determine the effectiveness of cooperative learning model make a match type compared with conventional learning models in mathematics. This research’s population are 75 students. By using propotionate stratified random sampling, from population are 75 students, were obtained sample members were 63 students consisting of 33 Randugunting 3 elementary school as the experiment class and 30 students of Randugunting 1 elementary school as the control class. After the both  group was given the different learning models, they were given a post test on the material geometry and obtained an average value of the experiment class learning outcomes by 81.27, while the control class only 73.73. Results of calculations using independent samples t test formula through SPSS version 20, shows that the cooperative learning model make a match type effective and has significant impact on student learning outcomes. It is indicated by the value of the tcount> ttable (2.153 > 2.000).  The conclusion is teachers are expected to be able to apply cooperative learning model make a match type. Student should explore their knowledge and actively communicate with their friends.