
Kurikulum 2013 menekankan pada dimensi pedagogik modern, yaitu menggunakan pendekatan ilmiah (scientific approach) dalam pembelajaran meliputi mengamati, menanya, mengumpulkan informasi, mengasosiasikan, membentuk jejaring. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu (1) untuk mengetahui perangkat pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh SMA. (2) untuk mengembangkan Perangkat Pembelajaran yang berdasarkan kurikulum 2013. (3) untuk mengevaluasi Perangkat Pembelajaran sehingga efektif dalam implementasinya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berdasar model pengembangan Borg and Gall, dengan memakai model CIPP (context-inputs-process-product) yang mengarahkan objek sasaran pada proses dan masukan sampai hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Silabus, RPP yang dikembangkan adalah efektif. Kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan Silabus, RPP saintifik membuat hasil belajar siswa meningkat dan memuaskan.

Development Tool Based Learning Curriculum 2013 In Basic Competencies describe the concept of the market and the Market Price Formation in Economy At SMA. 2013 curriculum emphasizes modern pedagogical, using a scientific approach (scientific approach) in learning include observing,  asking, gather information, to associate, forming networks. Fundamental change in the basic arrangement mindset, deepening and expansion of the material, the strengthening process, the burden of adjustment. Another element that changed between Competency Standards, Content Standard, Standard Process, and Assessment Standards. Learning Process touches three domains, namely attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Proses using authentic assessment of learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is (1) to determine the learning device used by SMA. (2) to develop a learning device based on the curriculum of 2013. (3) to evaluate the learning device so effective in its implementation. This research is the development of a model -based development Borg and Gall, the model of CIPP (context-inputs-process-product) which directs the target object on the input to the process and results .  The results showed syllabus, lesson plan developed is effective. Learning activity using the syllabus, making scientific lesson plan increased student and can be used as a learning tool to support the learning of economics.