
The Effect of Social Capital and Learning Organization on Marketing Performance Through the Marketing Strategy

Ika Maratus Sholekhah, Joko Widodo, Wahyono Wahyono

1-8 |

The Entrepreneurship Interest of XI Grade Marketing Students in Vocational Highschools in Semarang

Sifa Farida, Partono Thomas, Dorodjatun Prihandono

19-27 |

Strategy for Increasing Competence of Medical Representatives

Agung Baskoro Hidayatullah, Partono Thomas, Widiyanto Widiyanto

29-36 |

Factors Influencing Unemployment Rate: A Comparison Among Five Asean Countries

Amyir Aljileedi Mustafa Rayhan, Rusdarti Rusdarti, Heri Yanto

37-45 |

Determinant of Students’ Academic Satisfaction

Amanatun Khoirina, Rusdarti Rusdarti, Fahrur Rozi

46-54 |

Marketing Strategies of Wawasan Newspaper in Maintaining Market Share in Semarang

Hendras Septiawan, Rusdarti Rusdarti, Titik Haryati

55-63 |

The Impact of Quality of Education and Higher Education on Economic Growth

Arman Arman, Budhi Purwandaya, Asep Saefuddin

64-70 |

The Harapan Jaya Cooperative Development Reviewed from the Cooperative Financial Capital and Business

Munawar Thoharudin, Fatkhan Amirul Huda, Tedi Suryadi

71-80 |

Determinants of Poverty in Central Java Province 2013-2018

Achyarnis Lilik Andrietya, Amin Pujiati, Andryan Setyadharma

81-88 |