
Penelitian ini dilakukan guna melihat pola dan bentuk interaksi sosial antar siswa serta dampak dari penggunaan gadget. Metode penelitian yang digunakan metode kualitatif yang menggambarkan secara objektif pola interaksi sosial yang terjadi pada siswa pengguna gadget. Lokasi penelitian di SMA N 1 Semarang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumen.  Hasil penelitian adalah didapatkannya gambaran pola interaksi sosial, siswa lebih memilih menggunakan gadget dan jika tidak ditanggapi baru siswa bertemu dengan orang yang dimaksud, bentuk-bentuk interaksi yang terjadi melalui interaksi menggunakan gadget dapat menjadi dua, proses asosiatif  dan proses disasosiatif. Proses asosiatif bentuk-bentuk interaksi sosial yang terjadi menggunakan gadget, siswa banyak melakukan kerjasama mengerjakan tugas, pekerjaan rumah, bertukar informasi, sedangkan proses disasosiatif yaitu konflik, tidak pernah ada konflik yang serius, yang terjadi hanya sebatas perbedaan pendapat serta salah paham yang dapat diselesaikan langsung oleh siswa. Dampak negatif dari penggunaan gadget adalah siswa menjadi lupa waktu.


This study was conducted to see the patterns and forms of social interaction between students and the impact caused in connection using gadget. This study used the qualitative approach in order to find out of social interaction pattern in gadget user. The study took place in SMA N 1 Semarang. The data were collected through observation, interview and document review. The study results show that there is social interaction pattern of gadget user students. Students prefer to use gadgets, if there isn’t respon student will go to come to meet the other student. The interaction happened through gadget can be divided in two processes. First, in assossiative process there are cooperation and accomodation, such us many students do assignment, homework, exchange information. Second, in dissossiative, conflict exists. There has never been a serious conflict, which occurs only a disagreement and misunderstanding. Furthermore, there are postive and negative impacts of the gadget usage in students

This study was conducted to see the patterns and forms of social interaction between students and the impact caused in connection using gadget. This study used the qualitative approach in order to find out of social interaction pattern in gadget user. The study took place in SMA N 1 Semarang. The data were collected through observation, interview and document review. The study results show that there is social interaction pattern of gadget user students. Students prefer to use gadgets, if there isn’t respon student will go to come to meet the other student. The interaction happened through gadget can be divided in two processes. First, in assossiative process there are cooperation and accomodation, such us many students do assignment, homework, exchange information. Second, in dissossiative, conflict exists. There has never been a serious conflict, which occurs only a disagreement and misunderstanding. Furthermore, there are postive and negative impacts of the gadget usage in students.