

Memanfaatkan Toponim lingkungan sebagai basis pembelajaran geografi dengan strategi produksi film dokumenter diharapkan dapat meningkatkan minat, kreativitas, pemahaman dan sikap peduli pada lingkungan. Tujuan: mengembangkan model pembelajaran; menerapkan model pembelajaran; mengetahui dampak penerapan model pempelajaran. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan tahapan antara lain: pengembangan model dan perangkat pembelajaran, validasi ahli, uji coba tahap kontrol dan tahap eksperimen. Data penelitian untuk angket dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inventori dianalisis secara statistik t-test berpasangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan model pembelajaran Geografi berbasis toponim memberi dampak positif terhadap siswa. Melalui uji statistik skor pengukuran pada kelas kontrol dan eksperimen, terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada: peningkatan sikap peduli siswa terhadap lingkungan; peningkatan minat dan kreativitas siswa dalam pembelajaran;  peningkatan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Simpulan penelitian: 1) Model Pembelajaran Geografi Berbasis Toponim mengacu pada model Kemp dengan beberapa adaptasi. Hasil uji statistik t-test  menunjukkan model pembelajaran tersebut layak digunakan untuk skala lebih luas; 2) Pembelajaran, bersuasana petualangan dan tantangan dapat meningkatkan minat dan  kreativitas siswa; 3) Pembelajaran dengan kehidupan nyata terbukti dapat menumbuhkan sikap peduli pada lingkungan. Saran agar Model Pembelajaran Geografi Berbasis Toponim dikembangkan dan digunakan secara luas untuk pembelajaran geografi di SMA dimanfaatkan untuk media pembelajaran.



Using environment Toponim around the school as a basis of geography learning with a documentary film production is a learning model expected to improve the students’ interest and creativity to the learning process, learning materials comprehension and to improve their care attitude toward environment.  The objectives of this research were: to improve the learning model; to apply the learning model; to examine the effect of applying the learning model. The type of this research was research and development. The research stage was initiated with the development of geography learning model and materials, the expert validation was given to experiment classes afterwards. The research data was collected using a questionnaire that was descriptively analyzed and using an inventory that was comparatively analyzed with paired t-test statistic. The result of this research suggested that Toponim-based geography learning model with an environmental documentary film production strategy could give positive effect to the student. Based on the score statistic test in the control and experimental classes there are significant differences: 1) the improvement of students’ care attitude to the environment, 2) the improvement of students’ interest and creativity in learning, and 3) the improvement of students’ comprehension of the environmental conservation materials. The conclusions of this research were: (1) Toponim-based Geography Learning Model refers to Kemp model with several adaptations. The result of t-test statistic suggested this learning model is suitable to be used in the wider scale, (2) the flexibility of learning management, the adventurous and challenging atmosphere can improve the students’ interest and creativity, (3) teaching students with the real life can help theme understand and improve their care attitude to the environment. Suggestions this toponim-based geography learning model can be applied in more senior high schools for geography learning and taken advantages for learning media.