
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pengajaran dan proses belajar IPA serta hasil belajar siswa kelas VIII A dan VIII B berdasarkan pendekatan Multiple Intelligences (MI). Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskripsi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dokumentasi, observasi, dan wawancara. Sumber data penelitian adalah guru IPA dan siswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu siswa yang memiliki kecerdasan visual-spasial, kecerdasan matematis-logis, kecerdasan interpersonal, kecerdasan kinestetik, dan kecerdasan musikal. Fokus penelitian ini yaitu proses pengajaran guru, proses belajar siswa serta hasil belajar dari pembelajaran IPA melalui pendekatan MI. Penilaian berdasarkan pada sikap spiritual, sikap sosial, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian yaitu proses pengajaran guru berada pada kategori tinggi dimana guru telah melaksanakan langkah pembelajaran IPA melalui pendekatan MI sesuai RPP berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013. Proses belajar siswa juga berada pada kategori tinggi dimana siswa dengan dominan kecerdasan telah mejalankan tugas sesuai bidang kecerdasan yang dimiliki. Hasil belajar IPA yang diperoleh siswa kelas VIII A dan VIII B melalui pendekatan MI mengalami peningkatan dari sub bab Gempa Bumi terhadap Gunung Api.


The aims of this research is to describe teaching and learning process in science also learning outcomes students of class VIII A and VIII B by Multiple Intelligences (MI) approach. This research is description research. In collecting data, the research uses documentation, observation, and interview. Sources of the research data is a science teacher and students. The sample of this reasearch is student with visual-spatial intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence, and musical intelligence. The focus of this research is the process of teaching, process of learning and learning outcomes of learning science through MI approach. Assessment is based on the attitude of the spiritual, social attitudes, skills and knowledge. Results of this research is the process of teaching teachers at the high category in which the teacher has been implementing step of the learning science through suitable MI approach to lasson plan based Curriculum 2013. The learning process of the students are also at high category where students with the dominant intelligence has been carry out tasks according to the field of intelligence possessed. Learning outcomes of the learning science is increased from class VIII A and VIII B through the MI approach from sub-chapter Earthquake to Volcano.