
This study aims to analyze higher order thinking skills, character, and science process skills of high school students on plant tissue material through the Project Based Learning (PPA) model. This research method uses Pre-Experimental Designs. This research was conducted in Muhammadiyah 1 Karanganyar high school. The research sample used was 78 students. The instruments used were multiple choice questions and observation sheets. Student learning outcomes data were analyzed using the N-Gain technique and the minimal classical completeness test to determine higher order thinking skills (HOTS). The results showed that the Project Besed Learning (PjBL) Model was effective in improving students' high-order thinking skills (HOTS) with an average N-Gain of 0.52 in the "medium" category. Effectively growing student character with an average score percentage of 70.36% is included in the "good" category. The character of students that grows includes disciplinary responsibility and cooperation. And it is effective in growing students' science process skills with an average score of 74.73% of science process skills in the "good" category, the science process skills that grow are observing, planning experiments, carrying out experiments, and communicating.