Sak Uwong Sak Uwit for Environmental Protection Based on Local Wisdom: An Environmental Law Reform in Indonesia

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Ridwanto Ardi Kusumo
Anang Wahyu Kurnianto


The research is examines the local wisdom values of Sak Uwong Sak Uwit as environmental protection in the context of local regulation. After the issuance of the regulation, of course it must be understood how the implementation of the regulation and how to supervise the implementation of this policy in Pegandon Village, Pegandon District, Kendal Regency. This research is a sociological juridical research with a qualitative approach, with research locations in Kendal District Community and Village Empowerment Agency and Pegandon Village. The technique of checking the validity of the data uses source triangulation and technique triangulation techniques. Analysis of the data used is an interactive analysis model. This study concluded that, first, in Pegandon Village running the program of Sak Uwong Sak Uwit (SUSU) or One Man One Tree was only at the beginning of the year, because of its lack of approval by the people who had to bear the burden of costs, non-existent planting land and management of unclear results. Then, the second shows that the lack of seriousness of the Regional Government in terms of guidance and supervision of this program has an impact on the Implementation of the Sak Uwong Sak Uwit (SUSU) Local Regulation.

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How to Cite
Kusumo, R. A., & Kurnianto, A. W. (2020). Sak Uwong Sak Uwit for Environmental Protection Based on Local Wisdom: An Environmental Law Reform in Indonesia. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 1(1), 35-48.
Research Article


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