Theft with Violence in Criminology Aspect: How People Dealing with Law?

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Ahmad Muhajirin
Akhmad Ghofar Ismail


Theft is a crime that can harm others. One of them is the crime of theft with violence and weighting. The theft with violence and weighting is theft carried out accompanied by violence against the victim and taking the victim's belongings (Jabar, Bjorkman, & Matzopoulos, 2019). Usually this theft is carried out by two or more people. Violent theft is usually carried out through robbery, robbery, mugging, robbery and piracy. Meanwhile, if accompanied by ballast, the perpetrators also take a motorcycle that is in a place that is the target of the theft took place. Then all communities should be able to work together with the police to eradicate criminal acts of theft within the community. So that these crimes can be prevented and reduced (Naanen, 2019).  This study aims to determine the factors that cause the emergence of violent theft with violence in the Demak Police jurisdiction and the coping process carried out by the Demak Police in overcoming theft crimes with violence in the Demak region.

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How to Cite
Muhajirin, A., & Ismail, A. G. (2020). Theft with Violence in Criminology Aspect: How People Dealing with Law?. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 1(3), 381-394.
Research Article


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