Press Roles in Democracy Society

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Lailasari Ekaningsih


Citizens can express their opinions through printed and electronic masses, one of them through mass media press. The free and responsible press is indispensable to support the formation of democracy society. Here the press role is crucial in the democracy community. The research method used in this research is normative. The data source used is a secondary data source, i.e. data obtained from literature material. The data collection techniques in this legal study use Documenter studies. The results of these studies and discussions are of the numerous press roles, which explicitly relate to the democratic community is the role of enforcing the fundamental values of democracy. The press is required to open up to the wishes of the community in participating or supervising the public agenda. Advice from the results of the discussion, the press should provide opportunities for citizens to criticize, submit claims, commit rejection of government policies that do not apply and fight for justice and truth through the independent press.

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How to Cite
Ekaningsih, L. (2020). Press Roles in Democracy Society. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 1(3), 539-548.
Review Article


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