The Study on Additional Criminal Imposition Through Counseling Compliance in Domestic Violence Crime

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Simplexius Asa


The Domestic Violence Law stipulates an alternative for judges to impose additional penalties in the form of referrals for counseling aiming at providing protection to victims, either as preventive measures or preventive ones. There are three important principles that should frame the assistance provided to the victims by the law enforcers, health workers, social workers, companion volunteers, and spiritual counselors namely: (1) protection to the victims, (2) Sensitivity to the interests of the household, (3) leads to household unity and harmony. This research is designed as a normative research based on documentary research, while the analysis of the collected data is carried out and presented in a qualitative-descriptive manner. This study concludes three important things. First, additional punishment in the form of orders for perpetrators of domestic violence crimes to attend counseling so that the perpetrators can be aware of their actions and willing to change not to commit acts of violence again. Second, the implementation of counselling the perpetrators of domestic violence should take into consideration judicial and sociological requirements when providing counselling as an additional penalty in the form of orders. Third, study finds that attending counseling benefits the family in maintaining the unity of the family and that the children can be raised in a more conducive atmosphere. The weakness of the approach is that the process is time consuming and requires the deployment of more resources.

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How to Cite
Asa, S. (2021). The Study on Additional Criminal Imposition Through Counseling Compliance in Domestic Violence Crime. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 2(4), 553-568.
Research Article


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