Legal Protection for Children as Victims of Violence

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Evan Ferdiyan Rachmanto


A child contains human right, including those employing adult, children do not have much to think about and take concrete steps. In Indonesian, laws relating to Positive Law, is The Law No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection have been amended by Law No. 35 of  2014 on Child Protection, which is very significant in reducing the level of violence against children. Legal protection for Children begins early in the womb birth. In its development there are children are in the environment is full of violence. Various social deviations that occur in the community more and most of the children. So that the perpetrators of violence do not feel deterred and no longer do the crime.

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How to Cite
Rachmanto, E. F. (2021). Legal Protection for Children as Victims of Violence. Journal of Law and Legal Reform, 2(4), 515-526.
Research Article


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