Submission Preparation
To ensure the quality of publications in the Journal of Law and Legal Reform, we have implemented several minimum standards that must be met by every prospective Author. Please independently verify whether the submitted manuscript meets the following minimum standards.
Guna memastiakn kualitas terbitan di Journal of Law and Legal Reform, kami menerapkan beberapa standar minimal yang wajib dipenuhi oleh setiap calon Penulis. Silakan cek secara mandiri, apakah naskah yang dikirimkan sudah memenuhi standar minimal berikut ini.
Please check the appropriate checkboxes based on the condition of the submitted manuscript. Include this information in a separate cover letter from the manuscript.
Isikan checkbox sesuai dengan kondisi naskah yang dikirimkan, buat dalam cover letter terpisah dengan naskah.
Please check and download the document, here
Silakan cek dan unduh dokumen, disini