Journal of Primary Education <p><strong>Journal of Primary Education starting in 2024 migrates to better secure from various unwanted things, including journal hacking and so on. To submit, the author please visit the new website page of our journal at the link<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">&nbsp;</a></strong></p> <p><strong><em>MIGRATION OFFICIAL STATEMENT&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HERE</a></em></strong></p> <p>Journal of Primary Education [<a href=";1333987313&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">P-ISSN 2252-6404</a> | <a href=";1456402065&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E-ISSN&nbsp;2502-4515</a>] publishes research articles results&nbsp;and conceptual studies in&nbsp;field of elementary mathematics education,&nbsp;IPA, Indonesian, IPS (SD&nbsp;and SMP) [See <a href="">Focus and Scope</a>].&nbsp;</p> <p>Journal of Primary Education&nbsp;published by the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Post Graduate, Universitas Negeri Semarang collaboration with Himpunan&nbsp;Dosen&nbsp;PGSD&nbsp;Indonesia</a>.</p> <p>Abstracting and Indexing: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SINTA</a>,&nbsp;<a href=";hl=id&amp;authuser=7" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a>,&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">DOAJ</a>, <a href=";Find=2252-6404&amp;GetResourcesBy=QuickSearch&amp;resourceTypeName=allTitles&amp;resourceType=&amp;radioButtonChanged=" target="_blank" rel="noopener">EBSCO</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GARUDA</a></p> en-US [email protected] (Prodi Pendidikan Dasar, Pascasarjana,) [email protected] (Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Semarang) Mon, 27 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Implementation of Digital-Based Learning in the Independent Curriculum at Elementary School in Bima City <p>Learning in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 demands a change from conventional learning systems to modern digital-based learning systems. The need for human adaptation to new technology is very necessary. This research aims to analyze the implementation of learning and the results of implementing digital-based learning in the independent curriculum at elementary school level in Bima City. The benefit of research is that it can be used as a reference and evaluation for the education sector regarding the implementation of digital-based learning in the independent curriculum. This research is qualitative research using phenomenological studies and subjective research types. The data collection techniques used in this research consist of interview, observation and documentation techniques. The triangulation technique used in this research consists of two, namely technical triangulation and source triangulation. Data analysis techniques consist of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of this research are that the implementation of digital-based learning in the independent curriculum has been effectively implemented. Every school, even every class, has a different way of implementing it. However, there are several obstacles faced, namely the number of LCD is still insufficient, the internet network is less stable, and there are several teachers who experience difficulties in creating digital-based learning devices. These obstacles are not an obstacle for teachers because every teacher has effective strategies. The strategy used to overcome these obstacles is by using a smartphone or using an LCD in rotation, using a personal quota, and continuing to upgrade oneself. The benefit of research is as a reference and evaluation regarding the implementation of digital-based learning in the independent curriculum.</p> Hairunisa Hairunisa, Haryono Haryono, Edi Waluyo ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Phenomenological Study of the Use of the Platform in Improving Teacher Pedagogical Competence among MGMB Alumni of Kampus Guru Cikal <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Education is essential because it can develop and encourage society to become more advanced based on noble values and a noble life to build a good personality. Teachers influence the educational process because they have a position as functional technical practitioners. the relationship between using the platform and the pedagogical competence and analyzing the impact of using the platform on the pedagogical competence of Kampus Guru Cikal alumni. This research uses a qualitative approach in the form of a phenomenological study using subjective methods. Data collection methods use interview techniques, literature studies, documentation, and FGD. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique uses IPA. The use of the platform is related to the pedagogical competence of internship alumni at the Cikal teacher campus. Different alumni backgrounds produce different pedagogical knowledge. They are using the application allows alumni from the educational and non-educational fields to collaborate in improving their understanding of pedagogy. This application impacts increasing the pedagogical understanding of Kampus Guru Cikal alumni, accompanied by pedagogical mentoring with mentors. The alumni feel that as educators with this platform, we not only learn but can also share the good practices we have done to inspire people out there.</p> </div> </div> </div> Nurul Farhin, Haryono Haryono, Budiyono Budiyono ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Android-based CERMAT (Cerdas Mengenal Pubertas) Media Development in Enhancing Students Understanding of Puberty as a Part of Sex Education for Elementary School Students <p>This research was established because of the widespread sexual abuse of children. Additionally, students’ learning outcomes on puberty subject matter at SDN Purwoyoso 02 are yet to be considered proper. The aims of this research are developing android based CERMAT&nbsp; (Guide to Puberty) learning media to enhance students’ understanding about puberty on elementary school level; testing the media feasibility; and examining students’ understanding improvement on puberty through the implementation of android based CERMAT learning media. This research was using the RnD method with ADDIE development model (analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). The subjects of this research are 6<sup>th</sup> grade students of SDN Purwoyoso 02 Semarang City. The data were obtained through a test with multiple choices. Through the media, material, and language expert judgements, android based CERMAT learning media was proven to be “very feasible” to be implemented. The results obtained through t-test on students’ pretest and posttest gained sig. (2-tailed) score of 0,000, which means that sig. (2-tailed) 0000 &lt; 0,05 Ho is rejected, and Ha is accepted so, android-based CERMAT learning media can enhance students’ understanding about puberty. Meanwhile, the n-gain test of the pretest and posttest obtained a score of 0,57 (57%) and categorized “Quite Effective '' with a score difference of 25,09. Based on the result of the study, it can be inferred that android based CERMAT learning media development is considered feasible and effective in enhancing 6<sup>th</sup> grade students’ mastery of the subject matter puberty.</p> Aisya Puspa Anggita, Bambang Subali, Ellianawati Ellianawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 30 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0700