
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model layanan informasi karir berbasis life skill untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dalam perencanaan karir siswa SMA. Desain penelitian yang dikembangkan adalah Research and Development, desain model di uji kelayakannya sebelum dilaksanakan uji lapangan melalui validasi oleh pakar/ahli dan praktisi bimbingan dan konseling serta dianggap sudah layak untuk diimplementasikan, adapun komponen model, meliputi: (1) Rasional, (2) Visi dan misi, (3) Tujuan, (4) Isi layanan informasi karir berbasis life skills, (5) Pendukung sistem, dan (6) Prosedur pelaksanaan informasi karir. Simpulan penelitian ini bahwa layanan informasi karir berbasis life skills efektif meningkatkan pemahaman dalam perencanaan karir siswa


This study uses a Research and Development (R & D), design models tested for feasibility before field trials conducted through validation by experts / specialists and practitioners of guidance and counseling as well as considered feasible to implement, while the components of career information service model based on life skills to enhance the students' understanding of the career planning, include: (1) Rational, (2) The vision and mission, (3) Destination, (4) Content-based career information service life skills, (5) Support systems, and (6) The procedure for the implementation of career information.

The results of field trials to demonstrate understanding in students' career planning increased after following career information activity based on life skills. Therefore concluded that the service life skills-based career information effectively to improve the understanding of the students' career planning.