
Tingkat aspirasi karir dikalangan siswa usia remaja akhir atau SMA berdasarkan hasil data pretest dengan rata-rata terkecil 90,86. Rumusan masalah mengenai kebutuhan siswa, desain dan hasil pengembangan. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui kebutuhan siswa, menghasilkan desain dan desain akhir. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D) model Thiagarajan atau Four D-Model. Setelah memperoleh Judgment Expert dilakukan uji terbatas. Populasi siswa kelas X berjumlah 341 siswa dan sampel (purposive sampling) berjumlah 34 siswa. Hasil uji terbatas selama 10 kali pertemuan efektif dan dapat meningkatkan aspirasi karir siswa, adanya peningkatan skor pre test terhadap post test pada skala aspirasi karir secara umum sebanyak 32,97 poin atau 36,23% dan pengujian hipotesis hasil post test antara kelompok ekperimen dan kelompok kontrol dihasilkan nilai t = -3,174 mempunyai peluang sebesar 0,003. Nilai 0,003 dibandingkan t tabel 0,05, maka 0,003 > 0,05 yang berarti mendekati nilai 0 sehingga signifikan. Disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis Ho ditolak. Penolakan Ho berarti ada perbedaan antara rata-rata tingkat aspirasi karir dari kelompok ekperimen dengan kelompok kontrol yang tidak diberikan perlakuan.

The lack of career aspirations among students as teenagers which the results of pretest data with the smallest average of 90.86. Formulation of the problem is the needs of students, the design and development. The aim to know the needs of students, design and final design. The research used research and development method with the model of Thiagarajan or Four-D Model. The obtain expert judgment. The population is students in grade X; 341 students. The sampling (purposive sampling) by the number of 34 students. Through limited test for 10 times it was effective and can improve students’ career aspirations. It can be proved by an increasing of pre-test scores to the post-test on the scale of career aspirations generally of 32.97 points, or 36.23% and hypothesis testing of post-test results between the experimental and control groups which produced the value t = -3.174 and had a chance of 0.003 . The value of 0.003 compared to T table 0.05, 0.003 > 0.05. It means that it closed to 0; significant value. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Ho hypothesis is rejected. It showed that there was a significant difference between the average level of the career aspirations of the experimental group with the control one given no treatment.