
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis model faktual supervisi guru BK pada SMA di Kabupaten Kubu Raya, (2) menghasilkan model hipotetik supervisi dengan pendekatan humanistik untuk meningkatkan profesionalitas guru BK SMA di Kabupaten Kubu Raya, dan (3) menghasilkan model supervisi dengan pendekatan humanistik yang layak untuk meningkatkan profesionalitas guru BK SMA di Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan  penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D). Prosedur pengembangan melalui dua tahapan, yaitu (1) tahap studi pendahuluan, (2) tahap pengembangan. Lokasi penelitian di SMA Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan (1) pelaksanaan supervisi guru BK masih ditemukan aspek-aspek kelemahan dari tahapan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan pengendalian, (2) desain model hipotetik supervisi dengan pendekatan humanistik terdiri atas (a) rasional, (b) visi dan misi, (c) tujuan, (d) asumsi, (e) langkah-langkah, (f) evaluasi, (g) tindak lanjut, (h) penutup, (3) model supervisi dengan pendekatan humanistik layak untuk diimplementasikan, terdiri dari (a) rasional, (b) visi dan misi, (c) tujuan, (d) isi, (e) prosedur, (f) evaluasi, (g) tindak lanjut (h) penutup.


The purposes of this study were: (1) to describe and analyze the factual supervision guidance and counseling teachers which is applied in Kubu Raya Senior High School, (2) produce hypothetical supervision model using humanistic approach to improve the professionalism of guidance and counseling senior high school teacher in Kubu Raya, and (3) produce a model of supervision using a humanistic approach that is feasible to improve the professionalism of guidance and counseling teachers in Kubu Raya. In this research, I used research and development (R & D). There are two phases in this research namely (1) the stage of preliminary studies, and (2) the developmental stage. The location of research is Kubu Raya senior high school. The results showed (1) implementation of supervision BK teachers still found aspects of the weakness of the stages of planning, organizing, implementation and control, (2) design hypothetical model consists of (a) rational, (b) the vision and mission, (c) objectives, (d) assumptions, (e) steps, (f) evaluation, (g) follow-up, (h) finality, (3) model of supervision with a humanistic approach is feasible to implement, consists of (a) rational, (b) the vision and mission, (c) objectives, (d) content, (e) procedures, (f) evaluation, (g) follow-up, (h) finality.