
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D) desain penelitian menggunakan pre-experimental: One group pre test – post test design, dengan langkah-langkah penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) Persiapan Pengembangan Model, (2) Merumuskan Model Hipotetik, (3) Uji Kelayakan Model Model Hipotetik, (4) Perbaikan Model Hipotetik (teruji I), (5) Merumuskan Model Akhir, (6) Merumuskan Model Akhir (teruji II). Validator yang dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini, diantaranya; pakar bimbingan dan konseling sebagai validator ahli, guru bimbingan dan konseling sebagai validator praktisi, dan siswa sebagai subjek uji coba terbatas implementasi Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan tersebut dikembangkan model konseling kelompok behaviour dengan teknik modeling untuk meningkatkan kedisiplinan siswa, yang terdiri dari: (1) rasional, (2) visi dan misi, (3) tujuan, (4) isi konseling kelompok teknik modeling, (5) pendukung sistem konseling kelompok teknik modeling, (6) model konseling kelompok teknik modeling (7) Evaluasi dan Indikator keberhasilan (8) Jenis permainan dalam konseling kelompok teknik modeling. Hasil uji coba lapangan menunjukkan kedisiplinan siswa mengalami peningkatan.Rata-rata skor evaluasi awal sebesar 44.09 dan skor evaluasi akhir sebesar 81.75 atau mengalami peningkatan skor sebesar 37.58. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa model layanan konseling kelompok behaviour dengan teknik modeling secara efektif dapat meningkatkan kedisiplinan siswa.


This study uses a Research and Development (R & D design using pre-experimental study: One group pre test - post test design), with research steps as follows: (1) Preparation of Development Model, (2) Formulate Model hypothetical, (3) Feasibility Model hypothetical, (4) Repair Model hypothetical (tested I), (5) Formulate Late Model, (6) Formulate Model Final Model (tested II). The validators were included in the study, including; expert guidance and counseling as validator of experts, teachers, guidance and counseling as a validator practitioners, and students as subjects limited trial implementation Based on the results of the preliminary study group counseling behaviour model developed modeling techniques to improve student discipline, which consists of: (1) rational, (2) the vision and mission, (3) objectives, (4) the content of the counseling group modeling techniques, (5) support group counseling system modeling techniques, (6) the model group counseling modeling techniques (7) Evaluation and Indicators (8) type games in group counseling modeling techniques. Results of field trials showed the discipline of students has growth average initial evaluation score of 44.09 and final evaluation score of 81.75 or increased score of 37.58. It can be concluded that the counseling service model group modeling techniques effectively improve student discipline.