Implementation of Human Rights Values in the Pancasila Precepts Implementasi Nilai Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Sila Pancasila

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Dicky Febrian Ceswara
Puji Wiyatno


Pancasila, which has been accepted and established as the basis of the state, as stated in the preamble to the 1945 Constitution, is the personality and outlook on life of the nation, which has been tested for its truth, ability and supernatural powers, so that no force can separate Pancasila from the life of the Indonesian nation. Human Rights in Indonesia originate and lead to Pancasila. Which means that human rights receive a strong guarantee from the nation's philosophy, namely Pancasila. Leading to Pancasila means that the implementation of human rights must pay attention to the lines that have been determined in the provisions of the Pancasila philosophy.

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How to Cite
Ceswara, D. F., & Wiyatno, P. (2018). Implementation of Human Rights Values in the Pancasila Precepts. Lex Scientia Law Review, 2(2), 227-240.


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