
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan wujud pelanggaran, pola pelanggaran, dan faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi pelanggaran prinsip percakapan serta parameter pragmatik. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode simak dan teknik simak bebas libat cakap, rekam, serta catat. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan metode pragmatis teknik heuristik dan normatif. Wujud pelanggaran prinsip percakapan dan parameter pragmatik dalam wacana Dodit Mulyanto berupa pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama, prinsip kesantunan, tingkat jarak sosial, tingkat status sosial, dan tingkat peringkat tindak tutur. Pola pelanggaran prinsip percakapan dan parameter pragmatik pada struktur setup yakni attitude+topik+premis (pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama maksim cara; pelanggaran prinsip kesantuan maksim kebijaksanaan, kemurahhatian, keperkenanan, kerendahatian dan kesetujuan; pelanggaran tingkat jarak sosial dan tingkat status sosial). Pola pada punch yakni act out (pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama maksim kuantitas,maksim kualitas, dan maksim relevansi; pelanggaran prinsip kesantunan pada seluruh maksim;pelanggaran parameter pragmatik)+ mix+act out. Faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi pelanggaran tersebut yakni faktor budaya, maksud/tujuan, situasi, dan heckler.

This research aims to determine the conversational principles and pragmatic parameter violation form, determine the conversational principles and pragmatic parameters violations pattern, and describe the factors that influence conversational principles and pragmatic parameters violations in the Dodit Mulyanto’s stand-up comedy discourse. Supplying data used observation method, and the data were analyzed by using pragmatic analysis with heuristic and normative techniques. The cooperation principles violations were quantity maxim, quality maxim, relevance maxim, and manner maxim. Politeness principles the violations appeared in the maxim of tact, generosity, approbation, modesty, agreement, and sympathy. The conversational principles and pragmatic parameter violations patterns on the setup structure of Dodit Mulyanto discourse were attitude + topic + premise (cooperation principle violation of manner maxim; politeness principles violations of tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim and agreement maxim; pragmatic parameter violation in social distance and social status levels). Patterns on the punch structure namely act out(violations on all maxims in politeness principles, violations pragmatic parameters, and cooperation principles except manner maxim) + mix  + act out. There were four factors that affected the violations of conversational principles and pragmatic parameter namely cultural factor, purpose of interactions,situations, and heckler.